Heartbreaking reason why Indonesian crew members of Aussie surfers’ boat were left behind as search for the group’s guide continues

Four Aussie surfers who spent 36 hours missing at sea after their boat capsized off Indonesia in bad weather made a harrowing decision to separate from their crew in a desperate effort to get help sooner.

Elliot Foote, girlfriend Steph Weisse and friends Will Teagle and Jordan Short were stranded in waters off the Indonesian island of Sumatra after their wooden longboat ran into rough conditions on Sunday night.

They were stranded at sea in the middle of the ocean for almost two days until they were finally rescued on Tuesday morning.

Mohammad Iqbal and a second Indonesian boat crew member on board the stricken boat were also rescued.

However, the miraculous rescue is tinged with sadness that the group’s guide, Fifan Satrio, is still missing.

The rescued Aussie surfers are heartbroken their Indonesian guide Fifan Satrio (pictured) still hasn’t been found

After almost 24 hours lost at sea, Mr Iqbal recalled how the Aussies paddled ahead in the desperate quest to find help.

He and the other crew member stayed behind with Mr Satrio, who wasn’t a strong swimmer and couldn’t keep up with the group. 

‘The foreigners paddled very quickly but we couldn’t keep up and we had to look after Fifan,’ Mr Iqbal told The Australian.

‘I tried to give Fifan a lot of encouragement. I reminded him to tie his surfboard to his body so whatever happened – if he felt dizzy or passed out – he would not sink to the sea.

‘I told him if he didn’t do that and he passed out, he might not be found.’

Mr Iqbal last saw Mr Satrio on Monday afternoon, clinging to a surfboard and life jacket undone.

The search for Mr Satrio continues but is expected to be called off on Sunday. 

Mr Satrio’s mother issued a tearful plea for the search to continue at a local service attended by the four Aussies on Thursday night.

The Aussies are delighted to be back on dry land but are heartbroken their Indonesian guide remains lost at sea.

Elliot Foote (with girlfriend Steph Weisse) paid tribute to their missing guide on Thursday

Elliot Foote (with girlfriend Steph Weisse) paid tribute to their missing guide on Thursday

the four Aussie surfers (pictured with friends back on dry land) paddled ahead of their Indonesian crew members in the hope of getting help sooner

the four Aussie surfers (pictured with friends back on dry land) paddled ahead of their Indonesian crew members in the hope of getting help sooner

Elliot Foote and his mates (pictured) remain in Indonesia to celebrate his 30th birthday

Elliot Foote and his mates (pictured) remain in Indonesia to celebrate his 30th birthday

‘We had a great service last night with Fifan’s family and the locals here – that was really special for us and special for them,’ Mr Foote told the Today show on Friday.

‘We are just so stoked and grateful for everyone and everything that happened, but we’re still mourning, though, we’re still upset at the end result but also happy to be here. ‘

It comes hours after Mr Foote broke his silence about the ordeal where he paid tribute to the group’s missing guide.

‘My deepest thoughts are with the family of Fifan. Our joyful young guide who hasn’t been found,’ Mr Foote posted earlier on Thursday.

‘I wish there was more we could have done to help you, and that will stay with me as a burden to bear.’

‘I understand the loneliness you must’ve felt in those hours by yourself, and my condolences to your family.’

Mr Foote's thoughts are with the family of Fifan (pictured), the group's joyful guide who hasn't been found

Mr Foote’s thoughts are with the family of Fifan (pictured), the group’s joyful guide who hasn’t been found

Aussie surfers Steph Weisse, Elliot Foote, Will Teagle and Jordan Short (pictured, left to right) spent 36 hours lost at seas before they were finally rescued

Aussie surfers Steph Weisse, Elliot Foote, Will Teagle and Jordan Short (pictured, left to right) spent 36 hours lost at seas before they were finally rescued

The four surfers and their crew had chosen to push on through the rough weather on Sunday night while a group of eight of their friends took shelter on Saran Alu.

Mr Foote went on to say the experience was ‘something that I cannot comprehend’.

‘My emotions are incredibly mixed; elation, guilt, complete adrenaline, anxiety, pure joy and happiness,’ he said.

‘From the moment the boat went under until the time we were reunited on Pinang Island, uncertainty was the only certainty.

‘I didn’t know if my eight friends had made it to the island on the Sunday night before us, if my girlfriend Steph, Will and Jordan had been found and rescued before me or if I needed to get out there and find them.’

Meanwhile back home in Australia, the surfers’ families have set up an online fundraiser to support Mr Satrio and the Haloban village that rallied together to search for the missing tourists.

This is the incredible moment Steph Weisse, Will Teagle and Jordan Short and an Indonesian crew member were located after 36 hours lost at sea

This is the incredible moment Steph Weisse, Will Teagle and Jordan Short and an Indonesian crew member were located after 36 hours lost at sea

Elliot Foote (pictured with girlfriend Steph) has thanked everyone involved in the search

Elliot Foote (pictured with girlfriend Steph) has thanked everyone involved in the search

‘The fund’s aims are: to assist and support the family and community of the one crew member who is still missing, to compensate the people who committed their time and resources to the rescue effort, and to help ensure nothing like this happens again,’ the page states.

‘We also seek to extend gratitude and recompense to the individuals, businesses, and organisations who took part in the ongoing search and rescue operation. These teams volunteered their resources, time, and efforts without a second thought, and where possible, we will use these funds to relieve the financial burden of their rescue effort.’

The fundraiser has already raised more than $30,000 which includes a significant donation from Mr Foote’s father Peter. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk