Heartwarming moment young boy releases his best ever fishing catch back into the water

‘One day we gonna meet back again’: Heartwarming moment young boy releases his best ever fishing catch back into the water

  • Kemari Cooper, of Quincy, Florida, reeled in the large bass fish on Sunday 
  • But the boy puts it back in the water, telling it ‘I hope you go back and be better’ 
  • The boy’s father recorded the video, which has been seen millions of times  

The adorable moment a  young boy released his prized fishing catch back into the water has been caught on camera.

Kemari Cooper, of Quincy, Florida, reeled in the large bass fish on Sunday using a ‘black trick lure’.

His dad Velt Cooper was on hand to record the boy’s joy as he’s told that the seven-pounder was his personal best.

But big-hearted Kemari is keen to let the fish go again after posing for the video.

He places the bass back in the water, telling it, ‘I hope you go back and be better,’ and ‘one day we’re going to meet again.’

Kemari Cooper shows off the trophy that is a seven-pound bass, while fishing recently with his father in Florida

Cooper sent the fish back after finding out it was the largest he ever caught

Cooper sent the fish back after finding out it was the largest he ever caught 

The video has been viewed more than 13 million times, including by celebrities like director Ava DuVernay, who shared the clip. 

‘The Hate U Give’ author Angie Thomas also shared it, adding in the tweet, ‘This is a book waiting to happen.’   

Another tweet, ‘This little boy is going to change the world! What an incredible soul!’ 

But not all were getting goose bumps from the video.

Kemari Cooper is thrilled to catch a seven-pound bass as he dad looks on during their fishing expedition

Kemari Cooper is thrilled to catch a seven-pound bass as he dad looks on during their fishing expedition 

The boy instead of having the fish for dinner, sends it back with encouraging words, 'One day we're going to meet again'

The boy instead of having the fish for dinner, sends it back with encouraging words, ‘One day we’re going to meet again’

One person commented after watching it, ‘I disagree that this video is heartwarming. This kid pulled a struggling fish ashore by a hook through its lip, which is very painful for the fish, and then held it while it gasped for air for more than two minutes while his father filmed the scene.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk