Hefner’s former valet recalls ‘Pig Night’ parties

During a short period in the 1970s, Hugh Hefner’s personal valet was in charge taking care of the famous Lothario’s every need, from stocking the publisher’s refrigerator with cool refreshments to cleaning sex toys after a ‘pig night’ at the Playboy Mansion. 

Speaking to The New York Post, Stefan Tetenbaum, who now works as a sculptor in Redondo Beach, California, recalls his stint as Hefner’s butler from 1978 through 1979.  

Tetenbaum, 67, claims that during the year he spent with the cultural icon, sex parties involving hookers, porn stars and celebrities was all par for the course. 

During a short period in late 1970s, Hugh Hefner’s personal valet describes his experience working at the Playboy Mansion (Pictured Hefner and his girlfriend,  mid 1980s)

Stefan Tetenbaum recalls sex parties called 'Pig Nights' involving hookers, porn stars and celebrities

Stefan Tetenbaum recalls sex parties called ‘Pig Nights’ involving hookers, porn stars and celebrities

 ‘I… made sure the maids took all sex toys down to the basement after use and washed and sterilized them before returning the gadgets to the secret compartment above his bed,’ Tetenbaum tells the Post right from the jump.  

‘On certain nights,’ he continues, ‘Mr. Hefner had prostitutes brought up to the mansion and he would entertain them with a big dinner and invite his friends to come and participate in different intimate acts with them.’

‘It was called “Pig Night.” Sometimes the women had penises and Hefner didn’t want to be involved with that, although some of the other guests, especially John Belushi, they didn’t mind.’

The 67-year-old also claims that Hefner was 'brutal' and treated his girlfriends and staff like dirt

The 67-year-old also claims that Hefner was ‘brutal’ and treated his girlfriends and staff like dirt

Tetenbaum said that contrary to popular belief, Hefner ‘most of the time, never had sex with women,’ instead preferring to watch well-endowed porn stars like the infamous John Holmes fornicate with the girls, all the while ‘smoking a joint’ and ‘eating red licorice.’

The encounters were always filmed, the former butler asserts, saying cameras were setup around his bed and recording every encounter. 

The footage wasn’t purely for erotic purposes, Tetenbaum claims, saying the films were used as an insurance policy against Hefner’s associates who thought about going public with tales from inside the Holmby Hills estate. 

Tetenbaum, 67, says that Hefner enjoyed watching well-endowed porn stars have sex with girls rather than participate himself (Pictured: Hefner dancing, 1981) 

Tetenbaum, 67, says that Hefner enjoyed watching well-endowed porn stars have sex with girls rather than participate himself (Pictured: Hefner dancing, 1981) 

The former butler says all the encounters were filmed partly to blackmail his associates into keeping quiet about the parties

The former butler says all the encounters were filmed partly to blackmail his associates into keeping quiet about the parties

Tetenbaum also alleges that there were plenty of drugs at the Playboy Mansion, especially cocaine, but Hefner always stuck to smoking marijuana.

For a man who could satisfy every vice and whim as his heart desired, Hefner ‘wasn’t a kind man,’ Tetenbaum said.

‘If he tasted the Pepsi and it wasn’t cold enough, he would throw it away and call me to replace it. I don’t know if he ever even knew my name. He would just call me “valet.”’ 

‘He was very brutal to his girlfriends and sex partners,’ he continues, saying each girl he slept with had to have fake breasts. 

‘In those days, the implants were new and they would shift and burst and I witnessed many women who had this done begging and crying to Hef to help them and he would put them back in the hospital and then discard these women. He didn’t care. They were disposable,’ he added. 

On the news of Hefner’s passing earlier this week, the 67-year-old said ‘he didn’t feel anything,’ but gave Hefner credit for being an ‘innovator’ who was ‘pro abortion, gay rights, marijuana.’ 

Tetenbaum concludes, however, that towards Hefner’s later years in life, ‘he became just another dirty old rich man.’




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