Here Are Reasons Not to Do Your Taxes Yourself

As a successful business owner, you’ve probably gotten used to wearing various hats and, more than likely, are used to getting things done with little or minimal help. But then, when it comes to your business taxes or even your personal taxes, you may fare better if you leave this one to the tax experts. Of course, that’s not to say that you’re incapable of doing your own taxes. Rather, there are several reasons not to do your taxes yourself that are worth considering before tax time rears its head again.

Math, numbers, and calculations

Not everyone gets excited at the idea of Excel, accounting software, spreadsheets, receipts, and bank statements. Thus, if numbers really aren’t your thing, that’s okay. However, it’s probably not the best attitude to bring to the table if you plan on doing your own taxes. When you opt for a tax professional to handle your personal or business taxes, you can rest assured knowing that taxes and numbers are their things, and therefore, they will gladly get the job done for you. That said, if you aren’t too excited about the price of a tax professional, then it may be time to do a little extra research and go to for affordable tax prep and expert assistance.

Business taxes are more complex than personal taxes.

Another reason not to do your taxes yourself is that you think your personal and business taxes are one and the same, or that they require similar financial information. Yet, the truth is your personal taxes, especially if you’re a single person filing, can be very straightforward in most cases. On the other hand, business taxes are a whole different animal, and getting them done is rarely as simple as one would like them to be. For these reasons alone, you should let a business tax professional with ample experience take the reins.

Tax laws are always changing.

Reason number three for not doing your own taxes is fairly obvious. Tax laws are always changing, and if it’s not your job to stay on top of the new tax code, you most likely won’t. Even if you tell yourself this year will be the year that you sit down and crack open the latest Tax Reform What’s New for Your Business IRS Publication, you’ll more than likely still have questions only the experts can answer.

Mistakes on your taxes will cost you.

When you submit your taxes to the IRS, accuracy is a must. Moreover, mistakes, incomplete filings, or late submissions can all cost you time, energy, and money.

Searching the Internet isn’t professional assistance.

The Internet is full of tax information, but figuring out what’s accurate or applicable to your situation is a whole other story entirely. Thus, at the end of the day, you might want to consider hiring a tax professional, instead of sifting through out-of-date or inaccurate information to get your taxes done.