Left at the altar? Baffled workers called to reports of flytipping find entire three-tier chocolate wedding cake dumped at side of the road
- Council workers were left baffled after finding a cake dumped by the road
- The three-tier cake was decorated with pastel-coloured flowers along its side
- Unfortunately the floral ornaments melted under the heat over the weekend
- Do YOU know who owns the cake or why it was abandoned? Email alisha.buaya@mailonline.com
Workers were left baffled after finding an entire wedding cake dumped by the side of the road.
The bizarre discovery was made on Sunday after East Hertfordshire Council workers were called to reports of flytipping along the North Road layby from Hertford and Stevenage.
Abandoned in a lay-by was a box with three-tier chocolate cake decorated with a layer of ganache.
East Hertfordshire Council workers were left baffled after finding a three-tier chocolate cake decorated with ribbon and pastel flowers abandoned on the side of the road along the North Road layby from Hertford and Stevenage, Hertfordshire, on Sunday
On the top appeared to be a pair of pale pink ear-like toppers and an unusual pointed metallic object.
Each layer featured ribbon around it while the pastel-coloured sugar flowers along its side.
Unfortunately, it started to look worse for wear as the floral ornaments melted in the hot weather when temperatures soared to the high 20s over the weekend.
The council took to Twitter asking: ‘Were you at a wedding this weekend?’

Unfortunately, the cake started to look worse for wear as the floral ornaments melted in the hot weather when temperatures soared to the high 20s over the weekend

Locals took to social media to offer their thoughts on the bizarre find, including Lisa Dunham who said: ‘There’s no way that’s a wedding cake’
‘Do you recognise this cake found on the North Road layby from Hertford to Stevenage as part of a flytip? Please let us know,’ the tweet added.
Locals took to social media to offer their thoughts on the bizarre find, including Lisa Dunham who said: ‘There’s no way that’s a wedding cake.’
‘Birthday, baby shower perhaps – but the colours aren’t on trend for a wedding,’ she added.
Dan Keeley suggested: ‘Called off at last minute. Check your registry offices for cancellations.’
While Carole-Bee-Bridget wrote: ‘Obviously were not happy with the cake!?’
Graham McAndrew, executive member for waste at East Hertfordshire Council, said in a statement to MailOnline: ‘The items found at this fly tip were extremely bespoke.’
‘Officers are currently working through the evidence in order to prosecute the perpetrator.’
‘Not only is fly tipping illegal and an eyesore for the district, but when it includes items of food in the heatwave we are currently experiencing it becomes an even bigger problem if not cleared quickly.
‘We would encourage anyone who may have witnessed this incident to come forward with information.’