Heywood man threatens to slit mum’s throat over lost keys

Christopher Delaney (pictured), 23, had moved in with his mother Collette in Heywood, Greater Manchester, after splitting up with girlfriend. One night he came home drunk and had forgotten his keys 

A construction worker threatened to slit his own mother’s throat after he had to climb onto her balcony because he came home drunk and had lost his keys.

Christopher Delaney, 23, had moved in with his mother Collette in Heywood, Greater Manchester, after splitting up with girlfriend.

He had gone out drinking on August 1, returning to her flat at around 8am to realise he had misplaced his keys, and was forced to clamber onto the first-floor balcony.

After she let him in, he punched Mrs Delaney, 50, in the face before grabbing her by the hair, Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court heard.

Demanding she give him her medication he said: ‘Go and get me the tablets or I’ll slit your throat.’

The court heard he then put a pillow over her face, leaving her struggling to breathe and fearing she would die. It was only when neighbours heard what was happening that the police were called and Delaney was arrested.

Delaney (pictured with his mother Colette, 50) had gone out drinking on August 1, returning to her flat at around 8am to realise he had misplaced his keys, and was forced to clamber onto the first-floor balcony. After she let him in, he punched Mrs Delaney, 50, in the face before grabbing her by the hair, Manchester's Minshull Street Crown Court heard

Delaney (pictured with his mother Colette, 50) had gone out drinking on August 1, returning to her flat at around 8am to realise he had misplaced his keys, and was forced to clamber onto the first-floor balcony. After she let him in, he punched Mrs Delaney, 50, in the face before grabbing her by the hair, Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court heard

Prosecuting, Juliet Berry said: ‘He had been living with her following the breakdown of his relationship but on the day he returned to his mother’s address and was drunk.

‘He had lost his keys and so climbed onto the balcony of her flat. She pulled him in and the defendant said that he wanted to die and demanded her that she gave him some of her medication.

‘She refused and had in fact hid the medication due to previous attempts made by her son to obtain it. 

‘She was in bed at this point and the defendant proceeded to punch her in the face and grabbed her by the hair.

‘Collette was on the floor and he kicked her to the face and stood on the side of her head. 

‘He then held a pillow over her face and she was struggling to breathe, at that point she feared she was going to die.

‘He then pulled her to her feet and continued to ask her for medication. He said to her: “Go and get me the tablets or I will slit your throat.” 

‘Fearing that he might kill her she gave him the pills, but he continued to make threats saying if she told the police he would kill her.

‘The defendant then proceeded to punch a chest of drawers and then left the bedroom and tried to hit his mother with a bottle of wine. He was also in possession of a knife which he used to cut his arm.

Demanding she give him her medication Delaney (pictured) said: 'Go and get me the tablets or I'll slit your throat.'

Demanding she give him her medication Delaney (pictured) said: ‘Go and get me the tablets or I’ll slit your throat.’

‘One of the neighbour’s heard the altercation and called the police. The defendant was arrested and declined to answer any of the questions put to him. 

‘Collette Delaney suffered a number of injuries including bruises to her face and hair loss.

‘In a victim statement she said she wants nothing more to do with him and she wants her son to get professional help. 

‘She believed she was going to die during the assault and requests a restraining order to prevent future contact.’ 

Appearing by video link from prison he admitted to assault but was spared another stretch behind bars. 

Delaney, now of Bury, was given six month prison suspended for 12 months and was also ordered to carry out 100 hours unpaid work after he admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage. 

The court heard he had three previous convictions including offences of battery against his mother’s boyfriend and also an assault on an ex-girlfriend.  

Defending, his lawyer Andrew Marsh said: ‘There is very little that can be said for this defendant other than his guilty plea and the fact that he has been in good employment.’

But Judge Maurice Green told Delaney: ‘The victim was sadly your own mother. 

Delaney (pictured), now of Bury, was given six month prison suspended for 12 months and was also ordered to carry out 100 hours unpaid work after he admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage

Delaney (pictured), now of Bury, was given six month prison suspended for 12 months and was also ordered to carry out 100 hours unpaid work after he admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage

‘You went round to her house having had too much to drink and demanded to be let in. You wanted a tablet but your mother refused and so you lost control.

‘You punched her and kicked her to the side of her head. For a short time you put a pillow over her face which must have been very terrifying for her – she believed she was going to be killed at one point.

‘You have been having problems with depression and have a difficult background but you do have previous convictions for violence, including ones against a former girlfriend.

‘You seem to have a problem controlling your anger around women which is of great concern.

‘If this continues you are going to spend a long time in custody. You were in good employment as a construction foreman and there does seem to be a benefit of rehabilitation in your case.’

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