HGV driver who crushed and paralysed workman spared jail

Fraser Rowand, from Edinburgh, was found guilty of causing serious injury by dangerous driving by a jury after a trial at Newcastle Crown Court

A lorry driver has avoided jailed after his vehicle dropped a heavy load onto another worker and crushed him into boiling hot tarmac.

Paul Turnbull, 39, suffered life changing spinal fractures and horrific burns to his abdomen and face when 13 wooden frames fell from Fraser Rowand’s flatbed lorry.

HGV driver Roward, 37, had been on a delivery to a caravan park in Northumberland, which was in the middle of extensive renovation works.

Mr Turnbull, of North Tyneside was part of a team laying tarmac and carrying out works at the site entrance before ‘the most tragic 30 seconds’ of his life left him permanently paralysed from the waist down.

Rowand, from Edinburgh, was found guilty of causing serious injury by dangerous driving by a jury after a trial at Newcastle Crown Court.

He was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment, suspended for two years – meaning that he avoided jail. He was also made to carry out 210 hours unpaid work and a given a three year driving ban.

The court also heard that Rowand had dropped off smaller wooden frames outside the site and was heading through the gates when the heavier frames came loose and fell onto Mr Turnbull on January 18, 2016.

Horrified workers desperately tried to use a forklift to move the trusses which were crushing Mr Turnbull onto the hot tarmac which had just been laid as emergency services rushed to the scene. 

Judge Earl said it was ‘incredible’ the men were working in such close proximity to the moving lorry and had not been asked to leave the entrance while the lorry turned in.

The judge added: ‘But for medical response and strength of character Mr Turnbull demonstrated, he might not have survived this event.’   

Mr Turnbull was part of a team laying tarmac and carrying out works at the site entrance before 'the most tragic 30 seconds' of his life left him permanently paralysed from the waist down

Mr Turnbull was part of a team laying tarmac and carrying out works at the site entrance before ‘the most tragic 30 seconds’ of his life left him permanently paralysed from the waist down

Mr Turnbull, who now uses a wheelchair and has lost sensation from the waist-down, said in a victim statement that his life has been ‘turned upside down’.

The father-of-two said: ‘Simple things, moving he lawn, taking the dog for a walk are things I will never be able to enjoy again.

‘I feel like my pride and dignity have been snatched away and I now rely on support from family and friends 24 hours a day.’

Mr Roward, who previously had a military career with ‘excellent references’, was told by the judge: ‘Nothing in this is deliberate, it is not that you deliberately set out to injure anyone. Frankly, nothing could be further from the truth in that regard.

Mr Turnbull suffered life changing injuries after the accident in Northumberland

Mr Turnbull is now paralysed from the waist-down and now has to use a wheelchair

Mr Turnbull is now paralysed from the waist-down and now has to use a wheelchair

‘I hope and pray Mr Turnbull fully understands there is no sentence I can pass which can ever compensate him for his past, present or future pain and suffering.’

After sentencing, Mr Turnbull said: ‘After months of heartache for me and my family, the man responsible for my accident has been found guilty.

‘No matter what happens, no amount of time will ever make up for the fact I have been left paralysed which has resulted in my life changing forever, as well as the day to day lives of my family members who care for me.

‘I would never want another family to go through the despair and torment that we have all experienced since the day of this incident.

‘No sentence will ever give me the life back that I had before this day, but this is about holding an individual responsible for his dangerous actions.

‘I would like to thank the people that have supported me and my family since the accident especially my family liaison officer who has been a great support to us all.’  

Horrified workers desperately tried to use a forklift to move the trusses which were crushing Mr Turnbull onto the hot tarmac which had just been laid as emergency services rushed to the scene

Horrified workers desperately tried to use a forklift to move the trusses which were crushing Mr Turnbull onto the hot tarmac which had just been laid as emergency services rushed to the scene

The scene of the incident, and where large wooden planks fell down near the entrance of the work site

The scene of the incident, and where large wooden planks fell down near the entrance of the work site

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