High-profile senator Jane Hume makes candid admission about her Lycra gymwear: ‘Less worthy men have seen me in far less’

An otherwise dull Senates Estimates hearing was livened up when a Liberal senator suddenly made a revealing comment about wearing lycra. 

The off-the-cuff comment by Liberal Senator for Victoria and Shadow Minister for Finance Senator Jane Hume was made in a Budget Estimates 2024–25 Economics Legislation Committee hearing on Tuesday.

The exchange between Ms Hume and ASIC Chair Joe Longo saw laughter erupt in the usually sedate committee room.

Video of the humorous exchange showed Senator Hume addressing Mr Longo. 

‘I feel this is very awkward,’ Senator Hume said.

‘Every time I see Mr Longo now it seems to be at the gym on Saturday mornings. So I apologise for the lycra.’

‘His or yours?’ someone off camera asked. 

‘Every time I  see Mr Longo now it seems to be at the gym on Saturday mornings. So I apologise for the lycra,’ Senator Hume said

ASIC Chair Joe Longo assured the committee, 'I will never be seen in Lycra'

ASIC Chair Joe Longo assured the committee, ‘I will never be seen in Lycra’

A woman wearing lycra (not Senator Hume) works out in the gym

A woman wearing lycra (not Senator Hume) works out in the gym 

‘Less worthy men have seen me in far less,’ Senator Hume said. 

Mr Longo replied, “I want to reassure the committee that I will never be seen in lycra.’

He repeated the statement for maximum effect, as committee members laughed.  

Senator Hume paused to collect herself before getting back to business.

‘Sorry, I forgot myself for a moment. I’m going to ask some questions about something serious now.’  

ABC Defence Correspondent Andrew Greene tweeted the exchange on X.

‘“Less worthy men have seen me in far less” – @SenatorHume discussing gym attire and proving yet again Senate estimates is far more interesting than most parliamentary proceedings.’  

Comments to Mr Greene’s tweet were mixed.

‘Actually warming to her…’ one X user wrote.

But another posted: ‘How to completely discredit yourself in one sentence.’ 

‘Utterly delightful. The reality of day to day life and a refreshing banter. The location of the gym in Parliament House means we all get to see a lot of Lycra, and a lot of legs in sweaty shorts passing by during sitting weeks. It’s the nice thing that photos are not taken,’ wrote a Canberra insider.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk