Hijacked sperm deliver chemotherapy to kill female cancers

Sperm may have a new purpose in its short life: fighting cancer. 

German scientists fitted sperm with a microscopic harnesses, driving them to tumor cells, and releasing them, where – instead of delivering genetic material – they dropped a cancer-killing payload. 

Chemotherapy can effectively treat many cancers, but it also damages healthy cells in the process, leading to the drug’s unpleasant side effects, like intense nausea.  

The experiment used cattle sperm, which effectively contained and delivered the chemo in simulated bodies, but it is unclear if that sperm would work in real human women.

Still, the study authors said the unusual delivery method had great promise for delivering all sorts of drugs to the complex female reproductive system.  

Scientists put a special harness onto chemo-filled sperm so that they could guide them to cancer cells, releasing them to burrow in and deliver the drug, in an experimental study

More than 40,000 new cases of uterine cancer are diagnosed each year in the US, and ovarian caner accounts for another three percent of all new cancers in women. 

Though cervical cancer is becoming less common as more doctors screen for it with pap smears, the three gynecological cancers collectively kill tens of thousands of American women each year. 

For many women, chemotherapy treatment to banish the cancer is equally, if not more, painful than the disease itself. 

Chemotherapy works by targeting cells as they divide and multiply. 

This makes it a good weapon against cancer anywhere in the body, but our healthy cells reproduce through the same division process, making them targets for chemo too. 

So scientists worldwide have been focusing on creating new drugs or delivery systems that could specifically seek out cancer cells, without wreaking havoc on healthy ones. 

But that’s easier said than done. 

Chemo moves through blood stream, which carries it throughout the body without exposing it to substances that might dilute or tamper with the drug. 

But if a drug moves through the safe passageways of the circulatory system, there’s no stopping it from attacking non-cancerous cells. 

In order to deliver cancer-fighting drugs to one specific area, it needs to be carried there by something that can withstand conditions outside the blood stream and reach its destination. 

Sperm makes an excellent candidate for transporting the drugs, according to experimental findings published in American Chemical Nano.  

The microorganism is ‘naturally optimized to swim in the female reproductive system,’ the researchers wrote. 

The new study used sperm from cattle, which was loaded with chemotherapy as well.  

They found that the bodies of sperm are also excellent at protecting chemo from contacting the other cells that they swim past.   

After loading them up with the drug, the researchers caught the sperm in tiny, magnetized harnesses, and had four hours to put them to work before the sperm died. 

The researchers used a magnet to guide the leashed sperm from outside the petri dish that they had designed to simulate the environment of the reproductive system.  

They test drove the sperm through petri dishes, guiding them uterine cancer clusters.

When the front of the harness hit a tumor cell, its four prongs opened to unleash the sperm into the cancer cell. 

Just as they would do to a female egg in sex, the sperm burrowed into uterine cancer cells, and delivered the chemo safely inside, killing 87 percent of the cancer. 

Once they’d done their new job, the sperm simply died, as they would if they would have in reproduction. 

The sperm were so good at finding and infiltrating the cancer cells, the researchers suggested that they could be used to target other female reproductive cancers and conditions, including ectopic pregnancies and endometriosis.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk