Hilarious moment cat tumbles head first into garbage can and gets stuck inside while a dog looks on

This cat must’ve used up one of its nine lives, dying of embarrassment after being caught on camera getting stuck — head first — in a garbage can.  

A woman from Freshwater, New South Wales, in Australia, stumbled upon the startling scene of her Siamese, perched on the lip of her revolving-lid garbage can, shoulders deep inside the can, on Thursday.

The woman did what any loving pet owner would do — immediately whip out a camera and start filming.

The woman watched and laughed as the cat fell, head first, into the garbage can

An Australian woman stumbled across her cat at the moment when it was digging around in the trash and it fell, head first, into the garbage can

‘Dude, what are you doing?’ the woman asks as the feline proceeds to shove itself even further into the garbage can.

The woman starts to tell the cat to get out, only for the cat to lose its footing, slide almost all the way inside, and begin thrashing around.

‘Yeah, no, you’re stuck,’ the woman helpfully says as she laughs at the cat’s predicament.  

The cat then struggles mightily as, stiff with outrage, it attempts to extricate itself from the garbage can while its owner looks — and records — on, all the while laughing harder and harder. 

The cat can be seen lashing its chocolate-colored tail and flailing its hind legs around as it does everything in its power to get out of the pickle it’s got itself into. 

The cat, stiff with rage, struggled to get out of the garbage, as a dog turned up to watch the show.

The cat managed to escape its trashy problem by hooking its claws into the bin liner

The cat, stiff with rage, struggled to get out of the garbage, as a dog turned up to watch the show. The cat managed to escape its trashy problem by hooking its claws into the bin liner

After escaping from its personal nightmare, the cat regally walked away from the garbage can like nothing happened

The cat made zero effort to acknowledge the dog's sympathy headbutts, eventually running away

After escaping from its personal nightmare, the cat regally walked away from the garbage can like nothing happened, ignoring the dog’s sympathy headbutts

After a few seconds of fighting for freedom, a dog wanders into the picture to check out the cat’s ultimate ignominy.

As if sensing that it’s being watched by its canine pal, the cat kicks out, almost striking the innocent pooch in the muzzle. 

Eventually, the cat manages to hook its rear claws into the bin bag, finally gaining the leverage it needs to pop out of the trash and gracefully glide to the floor. 

The cat walks away from the garbage can as if nothing personally untoward ever happened, studiously ignoring the dog’s headbutts of sympathy. 

Eventually, the cat runs away from the scene of its eternal shame with the dog cavorting along in the cat’s wake.   

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk