Hilarious photos show slap-dash builders’ mistakes

Sometimes people can make mistakes that are so mindbogglingly implausible that all you can do is stand back in awe.

Because it really does take a special kind of logic to think it would be a good idea to install a basket ball hoop directly under a window.

Other unbelievable gaffes show a ladder that has been fixed to the side of a building – with an air vent cutting it off half-way up – and a streetlight whose bulb is facing the wrong way. 

This hilarious gallery of construction conundrums and poor plumbing shows why planning and preparation before embarking out on any project really is critical.

his ladder is now utterly useless

Left: It really does take a special kind of logic to think it would be a good idea to install a basket ball hoop directly under a window. Right: This ladder is now utterly useless 

We're not sure whether the door was fixed first or the owner of the property just really wanted the painting in this particular position 

We’re not sure whether the door was fixed first or the owner of the property just really wanted the painting in this particular position 

Imagine... you pay tickets for the match you've been looking forward to for weeks — only to have a brick wall to appreciate for more than an hour 

Imagine… you pay tickets for the match you’ve been looking forward to for weeks — only to have a brick wall to appreciate for more than an hour 

A job well done. The builders here have succeeded is making this staircase completely redundant 

A job well done. The builders here have succeeded is making this staircase completely redundant 

If a first date isn't going so well, why not opt to instead move to a table that has been segregated by a wall?

If a first date isn’t going so well, why not opt to instead move to a table that has been segregated by a wall?

Hilarious prank or shocking stupidity? Despite their being a designated plot for this tree, it has - for whatever reason - been planted in the pavement 

Hilarious prank or shocking stupidity? Despite their being a designated plot for this tree, it has – for whatever reason – been planted in the pavement 

Who needs privacy anyway? This door handle may have just broken, but should be fixes as soon as possible.

Who needs privacy anyway? This door handle may have just broken, but should be fixes as soon as possible.

Surely somebody lost their job after placing this useless door halfway up a building?

Surely somebody lost their job after placing this useless door halfway up a building?

Cyclists need all the room they can get on this bridge, but only slender pedestrians are capable of moving out of the way for them

Cyclists need all the room they can get on this bridge, but only slender pedestrians are capable of moving out of the way for them

Whoever set up this sprinkler is probably not due for a pay increase or promotion any time soon 

Whoever set up this sprinkler is probably not due for a pay increase or promotion any time soon 

Where better place for a manhole cover than in the middle of a supermarket where food is on sale?

Where better place for a manhole cover than in the middle of a supermarket where food is on sale?

Was the construction worker who made this pavement drunk? 

Was the construction worker who made this pavement drunk? 

Is that safe? Never attempt any modifications to electrical components in your house without a  qualified electrician on hand 

Is that safe? Never attempt any modifications to electrical components in your house without a  qualified electrician on hand 

Either whoever erected this lamp is a bit incompetent or a very athletic prankster has managed to climb up and rotate the bulb 

Either whoever erected this lamp is a bit incompetent or a very athletic prankster has managed to climb up and rotate the bulb 

Cyclists go... this way? This nonsensical cycle path is bound to have confused at least a few cyclists 

Cyclists go… this way? This nonsensical cycle path is bound to have confused at least a few cyclists 

Instead of dismantling the ladder or the beams, these utterly lazy builders have simply left it to poke through the roof

Instead of dismantling the ladder or the beams, these utterly lazy builders have simply left it to poke through the roof

It looks unusual, yes, but these doors and windows wouldn't have fit if they had been installed the correct way round  

It looks unusual, yes, but these doors and windows wouldn’t have fit if they had been installed the correct way round  

Who knows what this mystery tap was designed for and why it was placed around 1ft off the floor 

Who knows what this mystery tap was designed for and why it was placed around 1ft off the floor 

There's nothing like unwinding with a relaxing soak in the bath, surrounded by a tangle of piping, an overhead boiler and a number of household appliances 

There’s nothing like unwinding with a relaxing soak in the bath, surrounded by a tangle of piping, an overhead boiler and a number of household appliances 

Hopefully this purple wall design is still a work in progress

Hopefully this purple wall design is still a work in progress

Would you feel comfortable using these toilets? Perhaps windows weren't such a good idea 

Would you feel comfortable using these toilets? Perhaps windows weren’t such a good idea 

Which floor would you like? Because you'll probably never get there if you try working this alone

What is the purpose of this obscurely-placed plug, exactly?

Left: Which floor would you like? Because you’ll probably never get there. Right: What is the purpose of this obscurely-placed plug, exactly?

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