Hilarious video of learner driver terrifying his parents goes viral

It’s the one lesson every Australia parent dreads. Passing over the wheel to their child and sitting back in the passenger seat. 

This dashcam video by KDVlogs reveals the hilarious and very relatable experience of an Adelaide mother teaching her son Kieran, 19, how to drive.

Mother Pamela Davidson’s fear and frustration is seen through her screaming ‘stop’ constantly throughout the clip while she supervised Kieran in their two-door Toyota.

The video shows Kieran stopping and stalling the car causing his mother to jerk so far forward one can only feel relief that she has her seat belt on.

The video reveals the frustrating and relatable experience of an Adelaide mother (pictured) teaching her son Kieran Davidson, 19, how to drive for the first time

Later in the clip, his father takes over in the passenger seat. Shane Davidson appears more collected than his wife but his words prove otherwise.

‘The end is nigh,’ Mr Davidson uttered.

Kieran Davidson, 19, told Daily Mail Australia that he has since progressed to driving on main roads after two years driving on small roads.

‘We have now been on main roads and I constantly stall it!’ Kieran said. 

Although he has been on his L’s for two years, Kieran said he’s still intimidated of driving on main roads. 

‘The adrenaline kicks in when I stall the car, especially on main roads!’ Kieran said.

Kieran (centre) pictured with his parents Pam (left) and Shayne (right). The 19-year-old learner driver told Daily Mail Australia he hasn't passed his driving test yet

Kieran (centre) pictured with his parents Pam (left) and Shayne (right). The 19-year-old learner driver told Daily Mail Australia he hasn’t passed his driving test yet

Although he has been on his L's for two years, Kieran said he's still intimidated of driving on main roads in his two-door Toyota

Although he has been on his L’s for two years, Kieran said he’s still intimidated of driving on main roads in his two-door Toyota

The 19-year-old learner driver told Daily Mail Australia he hasn’t passed his driving test yet.

With more than 50 million views, the clip has gone viral on social media because it reveals the mixed emotions for all parents who have to teach their adolescent how to drive for the first time.

You can watch Kieran’s full original video on his vlog.

Kieran's father Shane Davidson appears more collected than his wife but his words prove otherwise. 'The end is nigh,' he said

Kieran’s father Shane Davidson appears more collected than his wife but his words prove otherwise. ‘The end is nigh,’ he said

The 19-year-old learner driver said: 'The adrenaline kicks in when I stall the car, especially on main roads!'

The 19-year-old learner driver said: ‘The adrenaline kicks in when I stall the car, especially on main roads!’

Sheer fear: Mother Pamela Davidson's (right) fear and frustration is portrayed through her screaming and shouting 'stop' throughout the clip 

Sheer fear: Mother Pamela Davidson’s (right) fear and frustration is portrayed through her screaming and shouting ‘stop’ throughout the clip 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk