Hillary Clinton mocks Donald Trump’s letter to Turkey’s president

Hillary Clinton trolled President Donald Trump’s letter to Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan this weekend by sharing a hilarious parody note from John F. Kennedy to former Premier of the Soviet Union that was meant to stop the Cuban missile crisis.

Trump was heavily ridiculed for his letter sent to Erdogan on October 9, in which he told the Turkish leader ‘don’t be a tough guy’ and ‘don’t be a fool’ and warned against invading Syria.

Late night TV show host Jimmy Kimmel then joked about Trump’s method of diplomacy on his show with the spoof JFK letter to Soviet leader Nikita Krushchev, which Clinton then shared on Twitter on Sunday with the caption: ‘Found in the archives…’

The fake White House letter, dated October 16, 1962, opened with: ‘Dear Premier Khrushchev, Don’t be a d*ck, okay?’

Hillary Clinton trolled Donald Trump’s letter to Turkey’s president Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday by sharing a spoof letter from the Jimmy Kimmel Show. The joke letter was written by JFK to former Premier of the Soviet Union Nikita Krushchev where he said: ‘Don’t be a d*ck, okay?’

She shared the spoof letter, that first appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show over the weekend, adding: 'Found in the archives...'

She shared the spoof letter, that first appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show over the weekend, adding: ‘Found in the archives…’

‘Get your missiles out of Cuba,’ the fake letter read. ‘Everybody will say “Yay! Khrushchev! You’re the best!” But if you don’t everybody will be like “what an a**hole” and call your garbage country “The Soviet Bunion.”‘ 

‘You’re really busting my nuts here. Give you a jingle later. Hugs, John Fitzgerald Kennedy,’ the letter concluded. 

Trump’s actual letter to Erdogan was mocked for his ‘adolescent quality’, simplistic tone and brevity.

‘Dear Mr. President: Let’s work out a deal! You don’t want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don’t want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy—and I will,’ Trump opened his letter.

‘I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don’t let the world down…

President Donald Trump has come under fire for his letter sent to Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on October 9, urging him to refrain from invading Syria. The two pictured above during the opening ceremony of the NATO summit in July 2018

President Donald Trump has come under fire for his letter sent to Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on October 9, urging him to refrain from invading Syria. The two pictured above during the opening ceremony of the NATO summit in July 2018

Turkish officials said the letter (pictured) was 'thoroughly rejected' by Erdogan, who promptly placed it 'in the bin'

Turkish officials said the letter (pictured) was ‘thoroughly rejected’ by Erdogan, who promptly placed it ‘in the bin’

Assad's forces entered the symbolic border town of Kobane last night, where the Kurds first united with US forces to drive out Islamic State four years ago

Assad’s forces entered the symbolic border town of Kobane last night, where the Kurds first united with US forces to drive out Islamic State four years ago

‘History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don’t happen. Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool.’

The letter was leaked to Trish Reagan, an evening anchor on the Fox Business Network, with many Twitter users, including White House correspondents, initially believing it to be a hoax. 

Several journalists took to the social network on Wednesday to confirm the note was, in fact, legitimate after they were forced to seek confirmation from the White House that the ’embarrassing’ letter was real.

Katie Rogers, White House correspondent for the New York Times, said: ‘Felt the need to ask WH if this is actually real and it is.’ 

Twitter had a field day with the release of Trump's letter to Edrogan and mercilessly mocked the president for his note's blunt and childish tone

Twitter had a field day with the release of Trump’s letter to Edrogan and mercilessly mocked the president for his note’s blunt and childish tone

‘An average student at one of America’s failing high schools could write a more effective letter than this and here we have the president on White House stationary showing the entire world that he has no idea how to negotiate with foreign leaders. And this is his job,’ Democratic Massachusetts congressman Seth Moulton said to Business Insider. 

Erdogan reportedly rejected Trump’s attempt at diplomacy and threw his succinct letter into the garbage. 

Turkish officials told the BBC that the letter was ‘thoroughly rejected’ by Erdogan last week, who promptly placed it in the trash and considered it ‘the final straw’.

The reports have thrown into question hopes that Mike Pence will be able to convince Turkey to halt its offensive against Kurdish fighters in northeast Syria when he meets with Erdogan today amid a deepening humanitarian crisis.

Pence met with President Erdogan on Thursday as he tried to pull off the politically improbable by getting the Turkish leader to agreed to a ceasefire in Syria. 



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