‘Hitler’ is running against ‘Lennin’ for election in a small town in Peru

Politician named ‘Hitler’ is running against a candidate called ‘Lennin’ for election in a small town in Peru

  • Hitler Alba Sanchez is running for Mayor in Yungar, a small town in Peru
  • Lennin Vladimir Rodriguez Valverde is his competition for the post
  • Mr Alba Sanchez’s campaign slogans include ‘I’m the good Hitler!’
  • He claims his father was unaware of who Adolf Hitler was when he was born 

Hitler is trying to seize power in a small town in Peru, but he is facing fierce competition from his opponent: Lennin.

Hitler Alba Sanchez, and Lennin Vladimir Rodriguez Valverde are going head to head in the Mayoral elections in Yungar, a small town in the Carhuaz district in west Peru. 

Mr Alba Sanchez, who served as Mayor for Yungar from 2011 to 2014, is seeking a new term with the slogans ‘I’m the good Hitler! and ‘Hitler returns’.

Hitler vs Lennin: Hitler Alba Sanchez, pictured, and Lennin Vladimir Rodriguez Valverde are both running for Mayor in Yungar, a small town in the Carhuaz district in western Peru

Stressing that he rejects what Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler stood for, Mr Alba Sanchez said he wants to oversee a fair and transparent government in Yungar.

He that his father has been unaware of who Adolf Hitler was when he named him, and had simply given him that name because it ‘sounded foreign.’

He said that he had considered changing his name several times, but in the end had decided to respect his father’s choice. He added: ‘I would have felt bad.’   

Mr Alba Sanchez’s campaign has come under under attack by Lennin Vladimir Rodriguez Valverde, a resident of a neighboring district who tried to block his inscription as a candidate.

Hitler for Mayor! Mr Alba Sanchez's campaign slogans include 'I'm the good Hitler!' and 'Hitler returns'

Hitler for Mayor! Mr Alba Sanchez’s campaign slogans include ‘I’m the good Hitler!’ and ‘Hitler returns’

A campaign slogan for Mr Alba Sanchez declares that voters can have complete trust in him

A campaign slogan for Mr Alba Sanchez declares that voters can have complete trust in him

We love Hitler: The mayoral candidate's name has been painted on a wall with a heart replacing the dot above the letter 'i'

We love Hitler: The mayoral candidate’s name has been painted on a wall with a heart replacing the dot above the letter ‘i’

Electoral authorities rejected the request last week, allowing Hitler to appear on voting cards for the October 7 elections.

In Peru and elsewhere in Latin America, parents often choose foreign and exotic-sounding first names for their children despite negative associations abroad.

Last year an Osama Vinladen was named to Peru’s national juvenile football team. 


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk