HIV-positive paedophile could have sex trafficked babies if he wasn’t caught, South Australian court hears

HIV-positive paedophile could have sex trafficked babies if he wasn’t caught, South Australian court hears


A HIV-positive paedophile who led South Australia’s online child abuse syndicate could have eventually sex trafficked babies if he was not caught, a court has heard. 

Jadd William Brooker was caught by the Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team and pleaded guilty to 182 sexual abuse and exploitation offences against children and teenagers in Australia and around the world. 

Before he was arrested, the 41-year-old told his syndicate that he wanted to infect children with HIV and even filmed himself trying to infect a child. 

Brooker pursued 20 children, in person and online, for sex and was found to be in possession of 4.5 million images and 50,000 messages of child exploitation. 

Jadd William Brooker pleaded guilty to 182 sexual abuse and exploitation offences against children and teenagers in Australia and around the world

The Supreme Court this week was told about Brooker’s lack of remorse and empathy for his victims. 

The court was told Brooker was a deceitful, manipulative and dishonest pervert who had a grandiose view of himself. 

Prosecutors called for the ‘uncontrollable predator’ to be jailed indefinitely, following laws created by a campaign by victim advocates and The Advertiser.

Clinical director of South Australia’s Forensic Mental Health Service Psychiatrist Narain Nambiar told the court Brooker would reoffend. 

He claimed conversations between Brooker and syndicate members showed would go to extreme lengths to abuse children. 

‘Brooker demonstrates a particular attitude that supports sexual exploitation and violence, and encouraging others to engage in that behaviour,’ Dr Nambiar said.

‘In one conversation, he discussed the sexual trafficking and selling of children … while there’s no evidence he did that, whether he engaged in it or not, he encouraged it.

‘He possessed images of very young babies and toddlers with violent sex acts being performed against them.’

Dr Nambiar’s evidence explained Brooker had a ‘loving’ adult partner – who was not involved and unaware of his crimes. 

He also had ‘numerous’ other consenting adult sexual partners while he was abusing children. 

Dr Nambiar added Brooker was also trying to infect his adult partners with HIV as well as he did not wear a condom, was inconsistent in taking his medication and lied to them and doctors about his health. 

The psychiatrist labelled Brooker as ‘deceitful’ claiming it is hard to believe if he will actually engage in treatment and will not reoffend. 

Dr Nambiar said Brooker’s lack of empathy and remorse along with his dishonesty, manipulative nature and ‘grandiose’ view of himself demonstrated a ‘psychopathic personality’. 

Brooker also bragged about trying to infect children with HIV and even filmed himself doing so with a child. A psychatrist told the court Brooker will 'most likely' reoffend

Brooker also bragged about trying to infect children with HIV and even filmed himself doing so with a child. A psychatrist told the court Brooker will ‘most likely’ reoffend

Despite Brooker’s apologies and willingness for rehabilitation, Dr Nambiar said he is ‘more likely’ to reoffend due to the ‘diverse and prolific nature’ of his crimes. 

He added there was no knowing just how far Brooker would have gone in his abuse against children if he had not been caught. 

Dr Nambiar labelled Brooker’s apologies as ‘hollow words’ claiming it came from his frustrations for being in jail and concerns for his family and not his victims’ suffering.

Brooker will be sentenced by Justice Adam Kimber on a date that has yet to be set. 
