Hollywood Hills nursing home patient who died is billed

Albertina Vega, 99, died in the Hollywood, Florida nursing home after Irma

A woman who perished in a nursing home after Hurricane Irma has been billed by the facility on what would have been her 100th birthday.

Albertina Vega, 99, was one of 14 elderly residents who died in the sweltering Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills in Hollywood, Florida in the wake of the September hurricane.

But on October 10, when Vega would have turned 100, her relative Carmen Fernandez was shocked to find that the dead woman’s checking account had been overdrafted by a $958 automatic payment to the nursing facility.

‘I was enraged. They let her die and then they bill her,’ Fernandez told the Sun Sentinel. ‘This was someone who was like a mother to me.’

Vega was one of 14 elderly residents who died in the sweltering Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills. The facility later deducted $958 from her account as an automatic payment

Vega was one of 14 elderly residents who died in the sweltering Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills. The facility later deducted $958 from her account as an automatic payment

The facility said the automatic deduction was made because they do not have access to their computers. The nursing home is under a criminal investigation in the wake of the deaths

The facility said the automatic deduction was made because they do not have access to their computers. The nursing home is under a criminal investigation in the wake of the deaths

‘How are they going to charge a dead person?’ Fernandez added.

A spokeswoman for the nursing facility told the newspaper that the payment had been returned into Vega’s account on Tuesday, and said the error occurred because administrators had not had access to their computer system to switch off the recurring payments.

It was unclear if that lack of access was due to the ongoing criminal investigation by the Hollywood Police and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and unknown whether other deceased residents had been similarly billed.

Vega was the first of 14 residents to die in the facility after Irma knocked out the center’s power.

With only one generator used to cook food, and no other backup generators, indoor temperatures quickly began to rise as high as 108F. 

Vega was the first of 14 residents to die in the facility after Irma knocked out the center's power

Vega was the first of 14 residents to die in the facility after Irma knocked out the center’s power

Eight people died in the immediate aftermath of the storm, and an addition six have died in the weeks since, with police linking their deaths to the sweltering heat inside the nursing home. 

The nursing home has been blasted by officials and relatives of the deceased.

In a recent statement, Justin Senior, secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration, said the nursing home had ‘failed its residents multiple times throughout this horrifying ordeal.’ 

‘It is unfathomable that a medical professional would not know to call 911 immediately in an emergency situation,’ he said. 

‘The facility also entered late entries into medical records claiming safe temperatures for patients while those same patients were across the street dying in the emergency room with temperatures of over 108 degrees Fahrenheit.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk