Homophobic preacher Logan Robertson opens Brisbane church

A fundamentalist New Zealand pastor who said gay people should be shot in the head is opening a new church in Brisbane.

Logan Robertson told his WestCity Bible Baptist Church followers he and his family had relocated from Auckland to ‘plant’ the new congregation.

The Kiwi preacher said in a video overlooking the city’s skyline that he was detained at the airport for nine hours which ‘wasn’t a good start’ and asked for prayers.

Fundamentalist New Zealand pastor Logan Robertson who said gay people should be shot in the head is opening a branch of his WestCity Bible Baptist Church in Brisbane

Robertson was investigated by NZ police in August for a sermon ‘unapologetically’ calling for gay people to be shot in the head the moment they kiss.

‘My view on homo marriage is that the Bible never mentions it, so I’m not against them getting married,’ he said in a video posted in July.

‘As long as a bullet goes through their head the moment they kiss… Because that’s what it talks about — not homo marriage but homo death.

‘But we’ve got Christians that would rather side with them, side with their cute f** pride cousin or brother or whoever it is than with Christians than actually preach against it.’

Robertson earlier told his congregation capital punishment for homosexuality ‘should be the law in New Zealand’.

‘I believe every single one of them should be put to death. Obviously Christians shouldn’t be doing it. I’m not going to do it. It’s the Government’s job to be doing it,’ he later told Sky News. 

The Kiwi preacher said in a video overlooking the city's skyline that he was detained at the airport for nine hours which 'wasn't a good start' and asked for prayers

The Kiwi preacher said in a video overlooking the city’s skyline that he was detained at the airport for nine hours which ‘wasn’t a good start’ and asked for prayers

Police said they were ‘treating this matter very seriously’ but dropped their investigation because Robertson had not committed a crime.

The preacher first shot to prominence in 2014 when he said gay Christian Jim Marjoram should commit suicide.

‘We are not interested in your filthy lifestyle or book. Romans 1 clearly says God has rejected homos and they are worthy of death. You cannot be saved,’ he said.

‘I pray that you will commit suicide, you filthy child molesting fag.’

More recently he attracted outrage for saying NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern should ‘get back in the kitchen’.

‘I sure wouldn’t be voting for that new Labour lady… she needs to shut up and go home and get in the kitchen where women belong and bake a cake for her boyfriend,’ he said in August.

Robertson was investigated by NZ police in August for a sermon 'unapologetically' calling for gay people to be shot in the head the moment they kiss (pictured)

Robertson was investigated by NZ police in August for a sermon ‘unapologetically’ calling for gay people to be shot in the head the moment they kiss (pictured)

'As long as a bullet goes through their head the moment they kiss… Because that's what it talks about — not homo marriage but homo death,' he said

‘As long as a bullet goes through their head the moment they kiss… Because that’s what it talks about — not homo marriage but homo death,’ he said

He claimed it was a ‘curse for a nation to have a woman ruling over them’, and wouldn’t even let his wife vote.

Other topics of Robertson’s firebrand sermons include ‘don’t look at porn’, ‘don’t even look at alcohol’, ‘obey your husband’ and called anti-smacking laws a ‘joke’.

He branded whoever reported him to the police over his anti-gay comments ‘a loser… either a sodomite or some idiot liberal… someone who hates the bible’.

Robertson’s church in Auckland opened about three years ago and has about 40 members. It will remain open under his leadership while he lives in Brisbane.

He said the new Brisbane church would have its first service on November 19.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk