Honeymooners travel the country in converted school bus

When it comes to honeymoons, most couple look for luxury all-inclusive stays at five-star resorts.

But newlyweds Mili and Marcos, 27, from Buenos Aires, Argentina have decided to do their honeymoon a little differently by travelling across North and South America in a converted school bus.  

The 27-year-old couple met in high school when they were just 14 years old, and have been together for 10 years.

Great escape: Mili and Marcos , 27, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, are travelling cross country in a converted school bus for their honeymoon

Young love: The couple who met when they were 14 in high school have been together for 10 years and got married in California in February 2017

Young love: The couple who met when they were 14 in high school have been together for 10 years and got married in California in February 2017

Brave: The couple bought the old school bus off Craigslist just three days after their wedding and spent a week renovating it

Brave: The couple bought the old school bus off Craigslist just three days after their wedding and spent a week renovating it

Stress-free: The couple say they love the simplicity and uncertainty of living this way

Stress-free: The couple say they love the simplicity and uncertainty of living this way

They purchased the bus on Craigslist just three days after their wedding which took place in California in February 2017, and spent a week renovating it for their trip.

They painted the exterior turquoise blue, fitted solar panels and built a toilet.

They also fitted a bed, seats, sink and a mini-kitchen, complete with fridge.

There is also an internal roof rack for their surfboards and a clothes rail to hang their wet suits from. 

They couple have also decorated the interior with a large map of the world and postcards and pictures from their trip.

No strangers to driving holidays, Mili and Marcos embarked on a similar trip in 2015 while on a working holiday visa in Australia. 

After working for seven months, the couple used their savings to buy a van and traveled across the vast continent for another two months.

After that, the two sold the van and flew to Asia where they backpacked through Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, India, and Sri Lanka for five months. 

Experienced: Mili and Marcos are no strangers to traveling by road - in 2015 they bought a van and drove around Australia for two months

Experienced: Mili and Marcos are no strangers to traveling by road – in 2015 they bought a van and drove around Australia for two months

Renovation: The couple painted the original bus turquoise blue and made sure they had plenty of room for their surfboards after falling in love with the activity in Australia 

Renovation: The couple painted the original bus turquoise blue and made sure they had plenty of room for their surfboards after falling in love with the activity in Australia 

Small but perfectly formed: They also added a bed, mini kitchen, toilet and solar panels to the interior 

Small but perfectly formed: They also added a bed, mini kitchen, toilet and solar panels to the interior 

Going the distance: So far the couple have traveled to Arizona, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, Guatamala, and Costa Rica

Going the distance: So far the couple have traveled to Arizona, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, Guatamala, and Costa Rica

Nomads: The couple love travelling from place to place

Nomads: The couple love travelling from place to place

‘We fell love with this nomadic lifestyle, with the simplicity of living this way, and the daily uncertainty [of] not knowing where to sleep or where to wake up,’ Mili and Marcos told Insider.

The couple also shared they loved ‘getting to know new places with no schedule and no rush and meeting people from all over the world.’

Although their Instagram account boasts idyllic looking marital bliss, the couple also shared that they are conscious of giving each other space.

When asked if they have any relationship advice for couples who want to travel together, Mili and Marcos said it’s important to carve out some time for yourself. 

Documenting their journey on their Instagram account and website, so far they have taken in the sights of Arizona, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, Guatamala, and Costa Rica. 

Cozy: They have been travelling together for almost one year 

Cozy: They have been travelling together for almost one year 

Project: It only took them one week to renovate the bus 

Project: It only took them one week to renovate the bus 

Before: The bus pictured before the couple transformed it into their home on wheels 

Before: The bus pictured before the couple transformed it into their home on wheels 

Adventure: Mili and Marcos are aiming to make their way back to Argentina eventually 

Adventure: Mili and Marcos are aiming to make their way back to Argentina eventually 

Happily ever after: The couple also shared that they are conscious of giving each other space despite living in such a tiny bus

Happily ever after: The couple also shared that they are conscious of giving each other space despite living in such a tiny bus

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk