HOROSCOPES: No need to exaggerate your own importance, Cancer

HOROSCOPES: No need to exaggerate your own importance, Cancer

 Cancer 22 JUNE-23 JULY No need to exaggerate your own importance, just be who you are and employers and other influential people are sure to be impressed. With assertive Mars crossing the midheaven point of your solar chart you won’t lack for opportunities to make your mark. CALL 0904 470 1164*

Leo 24 JULY-23 AUG This is not a week to worry about serious issues – this is a week to relax and have fun. But be careful, too. Mars – the planet strongly influencing your life – has a tendency to lay traps for those who foolishly believe they are a law unto themselves. CALL 0904 470 1165*

Virgo 24 AUG-23 SEPT You clearly have the ability to outshine competitors and rivals but do you have the self-belief to carry out your plans? You do! A project begun in the days ahead will reap the kind of recognition and rewards that for too long you’ve just dreamed about. CALL 0904 470 1166*

Libra 24 SEPT-23 OCT With passionate Mars in the relationship angle of your chart from today, you’re likely to be unusually open about your feelings. Which is fine if your feelings are positive but expect to make enemies if you say something that hurts – especially if it is justified. CALL 0904 470 1167*

Scorpio 24 OCT-22 NOV Even if the cares of the world are on your shoulders this week you’ll carry them with ease. The positive influence of Mars, planet of energy and ambition, means that no effort – mental or physical – is too great if it takes you one step closer to fulfilling your dreams. CALL 0904 470 1168*

Sagittarius 23 NOV-21 DEC You may have achieved great things in the past few months but what happens next will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced. The only danger is that you could take on too much too soon and exhaust yourself before you really get into your stride. CALL 0904 470 1169*

Capricorn 22 DEC-20 JAN You will need your famous powers of self-control this week if you are to hold your tongue and avoid exacerbating a domestic dispute. Tact is the quality you need most at the moment but unfortunately it is the one thing in short supply. CALL 0904 470 1170*

Aquarius 21 JAN-19 FEB Don’t think that by hiding or disguising unpleasant information you’re doing a friend a favour. In fact, you’re making things worse for them in the long term. They will have to face the consequences of their actions eventually – the sooner it is the less painful it will be. CALL 0904 470 1171*

Pisces 20 Feb-20 March You may feel angry that you let a profitable opportunity slip away but you’ve also saved yourself a lot of worry. Deep down you know your destiny lies in a completely different direction and the fewer distractions the easier it will be to discover what it is. CALL 0904 470 1172*

Aries 21 MARCH-20 APRIL Your dynamic ruler Mars in reflective Pisces may have brought out the hermit in you but now that it’s transiting your birth sign you are unlikely to be left alone. Any peace you do find will come from helping others to fulfil their potential. CALL 0904 470 1161*

Taurus 21 APRIL-21 MAY Your real friends are the ones who tell you the truth, even if it turns out to be more painful than you expected. Flattery will make you feel good but it will lull you into a false sense of security just when you should be asking yourself difficult questions. CALL 0904 470 1162*

Gemini 22 MAY-21 JUNE Mars crosses one of the most positive angles of your chart today, which means you not only have the vision but also the energy to change things for the better. Look around you at the mess others have made of things. You know you could do better, so do so. CALL 0904 470 1163*

To discover more about yourself, visit sallybrompton.com

*For a fuller forecast, call the number next to your star sign above. Calls cost 65p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge and will last no longer than 6 minutes. SP: DMG Mobile & TV. Helpline: 0808 272 0808    



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