Horrifying moment group of teens violently bash a father on a bus as his terrified child watches on

Cowardly moment a gang of teens brutally bash a father on a packed bus as his horrified child watches on helplessly – leaving the floor smeared with blood

  • Three teenagers seen kicking and stamping a father on a Transperth bus 
  • Passenger claimed altercation started when the Dad stood up to ‘rowdy’ teens
  • They said glass bottle smashed on father’s face who began to bleed ‘profusely’ 
  • WA Police are currently trying to identify those involved in the violent bus brawl

Sickening footage has shown a father being viciously beaten in front of his own child by a gang of teenagers after he scolded them for their loutish behaviour on a suburban bus.

The video showed three teenagers kicking and stamping on the father after beating him onto the floor of a bus in Perth on Monday afternoon. 

A passenger shared a photo showing blood smeared across the floor of the Transperth bus after the brawl.

The passenger said altercation started when the man, who was with a woman and his child, asked the ‘rowdy’ group of teenagers to quieten down.

The video showed three teenagers kicking and stamping on the father as he lay on the floor of a bus in Perth on Monday afternoon (pictured)

‘These teenagers got on the bus with boxes of alcohol and started being rowdy and using lots of profanity,’ the witness wrote on Reddit.

‘This older man in his 40s had his wife and kid next to him and yelled at them to be quiet and respect the people in the bus.

‘It started a back and forth between the teenagers and the man and turned into threats.’

The witness said one of the teenagers then walked over to his victim and said ‘I’m gonna shank this fu***r’, at which point the father ‘hooked’ the teenager in the face.

‘This caused all the other teenagers to start throwing their Cruiser bottles, I saw one smash into the older guys face,’ the witness wrote. 

‘Blood started leaking out, then they all rushed to where the old man was and started punching and kicking him.’ 

The witness said the alleged attackers made a run for it at the next stop while the Dad was left ‘bleeding profusely’ from his head and mouth. 

‘Blood (was) absolutely covering the entire middle area of bus,’ they said. 

The passenger added the ‘disturbing’ scene caused the father’s child to cry. 

A witness to the vicious brawl said the alleged attackers made a run for it at the next stop while the Dad was left 'bleeding profusely' from his head and mouth (pictured, blood left on the bus)

A witness to the vicious brawl said the alleged attackers made a run for it at the next stop while the Dad was left ‘bleeding profusely’ from his head and mouth (pictured, blood left on the bus)

In the violent footage, one woman wearing a blue dress appears to try and hold one of the alleged attackers back, while two others continue to kick and stamp the man. 

WA Police said the incident occurred around 3:00pm in Belmont, about seven kilometres from the city’s CBD. 

A police spokeswoman said the man, aged in his 50s, got off the bus and went home, where he called an ambulance to be taken to the Royal Perth Hospital.

‘Belmont Police and Cannington Detectives responded to the incident, including attending the hospital to speak to the victim and attending his residence to speak to his family and progress the investigation,’ she said. 

‘Cannington Detectives are investigating the assault and are working with the Public Transport Authority to identify those people involved.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk