Hosting a Small Business Website on IBM Cloud Services and Servers

Modern-era business climate mandates a powerful and engaging online presence. All modern businesses rely on interactive business websites for user interaction and engagement.

These modern websites help gain maximum exposure in front of potential audiences and gain more customers over time. Exposure is elemental in enhancing your small business, and hosting a small business website on IBM Cloud can help you get started.

What Is Web Hosting?

Web hosting providers, such as ZZ servers services, offer dedicated or shared servers to host your websites. This means that all your web pages, files, and relevant resources are uploaded to the web server, and web hosting providers ensure maximum uptime for your website.

This way, your website is always active and fully optimized for enhanced user journeys and experiences.

IBM Cloud hosting is well-known in modern technologies, web hosting services, and analytics tools. Therefore, hosting a small business website on IBM Cloud offers plenty of benefits and perks at your disposal:

  • Faster Deployment Rates
  • Greater Flexibility
  • 99% Uptime
  • Affordable Services
  • Built-In Analytics Dashboard
  • Easy-to-Use Interface

What Are the Different Hosting Options?

Now that you understand the core benefits of using IBM Cloud hosting services for your small business website, it is time to understand how to host a website. This step-by-step guide will help you understand everything in detail.

Here are the different hosting services offered by IBM Cloud:

  • IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service)
  • SAAS (Software as a Service)
  • PASS (Platform as a Service)

IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service)

The cloud computing environment handles technology when ordering, downloading, configuring, and managing your own software – operating systems, middleware, and apps. Popular examples are AWS (amazon web services) and Microsoft Azure.

SAAS (Software as a Service)

SAAS is a delivery model for devices where a third-party company hosts and sells consumers’ apps on the Internet. Examples are Office 365, Google Apps, and Citrix GoToMeeting.

PASS (Platform as a Service)

It is a cloud computing paradigm where an external vendor typically offers hardware and software resources for internet users to build applications. Examples are Windows Azure, Heroku, and Google App Engine.

What Services Will You Need to Host a Small Business Website on IBM Cloud?

Here are some of the topmost services and applications for hosting a small website on IBM Cloud.

IBM Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source container framework to simplify device installation, maintenance, and sizing. Google’s developers first built Kubernetes before opening in 2014. It’s a successor of Borg, an existing Google container orchestration tool.

Kubernetes is Greek for helmet or pilot, which is what makes the helmet in the emblem of Kubernetes.

This ecosystem helps businesses to offer high-productivity Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to cover various cloud development activities and problems in technology and operations, with development teams, focused primarily on coding and creativity.


PostgreSQL is a primary data storage and manipulation facility for several networks, mobile, geospatial, and computational applications.

PostgreSQL is an open-access, specialized business-class relational database supporting both SQL query processing (relative) and JSON querying. It is a very robust DBMS, enabled by over 20 years of advancement that has led to its applications’ high resilience, credibility, and consistency.

IBM Cloud and Servers for the Win

IBM is a household name, and it is no surprise that IBM offers top-notch servers and cloud computation prowess for all your needs. You can talk to your IT hosting provider, and they can help set up IBM cloud services for you and also help maintain your deployments without issues.