How a country can go from democracy to dictatorship in seven steps

Revealed: How a country can go from democracy to dictatorship in just seven steps – and an expert warns it could already be happening in Australia

  • A political author has listed seven steps to convert a democracy to a dictatorship
  • She said Australia could possibly be at risk due to people such as Pauline Hanson
  • The author said she had studied the downfall of several democratic countries 

Political expert Ece Temelkuran (pictured) has revealed the seven steps that have turned democratic nations into dictatorships

A political expert has revealed the seven steps that have turned democratic nations into dictatorships – and warns Australia is at risk.

Political author Ece Temelkuran detailed in her book ‘How to Lose a Country’ the direction she claims her home country of Turkey has taken towards dictatorship, and how this pattern is replicated in other countries.

The book is written as a satirical guide for aspiring dictators while detailing the methods that political figures use to gather support, she told

Ms Temelkuran pointed towards charismatic leaders who she said have changed the political rhetoric such as Donald Trump and the president of her own country, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. 

She said that while Australia does not have a charismatic leader to undertake her seven steps, One Nation leader Pauline Hanson is changing what is acceptable in politics. 

Political author Ece Temelkuran has detailed in her book How to Lose a Country the path that she has seen her home country of Turkey take towards dictatorship (pictured is President Erdogan)

Political author Ece Temelkuran has detailed in her book How to Lose a Country the path that she has seen her home country of Turkey take towards dictatorship (pictured is President Erdogan)

‘Remember what was normal five years ago and what has changed, for instance xenophobia around immigration,’ Ms Temelkuran said.  

The first step towards dictatorship is the initial creation of a political movement.

The second she said is to ignore ration arguments and to choose your own truth.

‘People go “the world is flat” and you don’t know what to say. Ideas have become commodities, we’ve been told you can choose any idea and they are all equal to one another,’ she said.

The author said that while Australia does not have a charismatic leader to undertake her seven steps, she said Pauline Hanson is changing what is acceptable in politics

The author said that while Australia does not have a charismatic leader to undertake her seven steps, she said Pauline Hanson is changing what is acceptable in politics 

The third step is to continuously lie which she said is actively encouraged in today’s politics. 


  1. Establish a movement
  2. Choose your own truth 
  3. Lying, lying, lying
  4. Let people laugh
  5. Design the perfect citizen
  6. Neuter established systems
  7. Design your own country 

The fourth step is to take no notice of the mocking and ridicule from those opposing the dictatorship.

‘It’s not only a political crisis but a moral crisis. Because you cannot shame these people any more. And what can you do against someone who is constantly lying? You say shame on you. If they’re not ashamed what else have you got?’ She told The Drum.

The fifth step she is said to create the image of the ideal citizen for the rest of the country to aspire to become.

The final steps are to dismantle the power of the established parties along with the judicial system and to start enforcing your own image of what the country should be like. 

Ms Temelkuran points towards charismatic leaders who she said have changed the political rhetoric such as Donald Trump

Ms Temelkuran points towards charismatic leaders who she said have changed the political rhetoric such as Donald Trump