How Amy Connors and cop killer Sione Penisini had a sexual relationship

The sexual trysts behind bars between a female prison officer and a cop killer happened in interview rooms where there is no CCTV and ‘wouldn’t have been marathons’, a former colleague revealed.

Married mother-of-two Amy Connors has gone into hiding since her sexual relationship with convicted murderer Sione Pensini within the four walls of the Mid North Coast Correctional Centre at Kempsey was uncovered last week.

Ms Connors was suspended from duties last Friday after an investigation commenced into allegations she repeatedly had sex with Pensini – who is serving a 36-year sentence for killing police officer Glenn McEnally in 2002.

A prison officer who worked with Ms Connors told Daily Mail Australia the two jail lovebirds used CCTV-free interview rooms for their regular rendezvous – but would still have been paranoid about getting caught.

Married prison guard Amy Connors has been suspended from her work after the alleged affair  

Sione Penisini and Ms Connors used CCTV-free interview rooms to rendezvous

Sione Penisini and Ms Connors used CCTV-free interview rooms to rendezvous

Scene of the incident: Ms Connors allegedly had a sexual relationship with Penisini at Kempsey jail (above) 

Scene of the incident: Ms Connors allegedly had a sexual relationship with Penisini at Kempsey jail (above) 

The prison officer, who asked to remain anonymous, said Ms Connors’ role as a Services and Programs Officer (SAPO) allowed her to spend one-on-one time with inmates.

‘The offices and interview rooms aren’t under camera, so I know that’s one of the places they went,’ she said.

‘Other than that they would have had to duck into corners or areas that cameras don’t catch, so it definitely would not have been a marathon, it would have been a 30 second quickies.

 It would have been a 30 second job … after hours the alarms go off and honestly you would get caught

‘That’s why, I’ve read some people saying she was entering his cell at night time… as soon as you enter the pods or the wings at Kempsey after hours, the alarms go off and honestly you would get caught.

‘She did some work as a SAPO and they take inmates into interview rooms and private areas to work with them. I know that’s where one of the trysts happened.

‘There’s only a desk, chairs, computer and telephone in there – it wouldn’t have been romantic.’

Penisini murdered Senior Constable Glenn McEnallay (above) in the early hours of March 27, 2002

Sione’s victim Glenn McEnallay (left) and his prison guard turned alleged lovebird Amy Connors (right)

Affairs between prison officers, such as Ms Connors above, are far more common than relationships between inmates and officers

Affairs between prison officers, such as Ms Connors above, are far more common than relationships between inmates and officers

According to Ms Connors’ former colleague affairs between prison officers are far more common than relationships between inmates and officers.

The officer also claims that while several matters involving female prison guards have made headlines recently, male colleagues are also involved in relations with female inmates.

‘It’s not just females, there’s plenty of male officers who have done this with female prisoners it’s just not as high profile so it doesn’t make the papers.

‘But I tell you right now the first one who would’ve seen anything like that would’ve gone and dobbed her in.

Ms Connors had posted about her gastric lap band surgery in recent years, sources said (before picture)

She has otherwise been described as a good mother

Ms Connors had posted about her weight loss surgery in recent years, sources said

‘We’ve got a code of conduct and most of us take our jobs seriously, but we’re getting our reputation screwed and seeing this happen repeatedly just does our head in.

‘I don’t believe they (officer and inmate relationships) are rampant, but it’s a different story when it comes to officers having affairs with other officers.

‘You do long shift work and you’re away from your families, I’ve probably seen at least 10 or 12 affairs where people are just away from their families so long that unless you’re with an officer you’re not going to spend time with anyone pretty much.

‘It is pretty rampant at Kempsey, that’s for sure.’