How can you surprise your best friends on birthdays?

Best friends are our support systems and our counterparts. Their presence makes everything seem more straightforward, and you are in your comfort zone. Their company can make the most challenging times look achievable. So those friends deserve an unconventional surprise, don’t they? You must elevate their special day and remind them of what they mean to you.

Let that day be all about their favorites and pamper them. Balloon decoration in Delhi can perk up the room for you to surprise your best friend. There are many ways to go about it. You could either prefer an intimate day for you both or organize a party. Depending on what takes the celebrant’s fancy, pick an option. Balloon decoration in Delhi can do minimal and over-the-top accents.

Surprise your best friend

1) Make a photo frame: The best way to jog one’s memory and take a sweet trip down memory lane is through picture mediums. We capture memories that are forgotten sometimes. People who have been best friends for a blue moon will probably have more pictures and memories of them growing up together and evolving as people. Reminiscing the old days is an unparalleled feeling. You could make a collage, use a picture frame or a string of numerous photos, but this trick never gets old. Pictures always bring a smile to people’s faces. They are cherished memories from happy days.

2) Movie tickets and movie gifts: This is a perfect gift for movie buffs. It is also ideal for an intimate celebration. Unlike conventional gifts, movies are an exclusive means for you to hog your best friend and spend the day with her/him. You could cut the cake at midnight and watch the movies the next day. You could download their favorites and even collect the ones that they wanted to watch. It will make them feel utterly extraordinary to see you take that extra effort and be mindful. If you both are working, it is a remarkable way of catching up and relishing the nostalgia. You could even set aside classics.

3) Show up at their workplace: It sucks to work on birthdays. But not to worry, because your best friend can lighten up your mood at work. Connect with your friend’s colleagues and advance to their workplace during lunchtime or other hours when they are free. You could carry their favorite lunch and a cake. It’s a phenomenal feeling, plus they get to celebrate with their colleagues.

4) Cook for your friend: It may not always be prudent, but plow on if you are a good cook. If you’re not an accomplished cook, you could even order their favorite meals from a restaurant of their liking. It’s the thought that counts. People are so accustomed to mundane days that the slightest effort can move them remarkably. You could invite them to your house or go over to theirs. And plug into Netflix, Voila!

5) Get a midnight cake delivery: The true essence of a birthday celebration commences at midnight. Nothing screams special like a midnight cake delivery. It is thoughtful and caring. Your compassionate gesture will hearten your best friend’s heart. This is primarily a good thought when you are not in the same city as your friend. Send a special message along with it to make him feel your presence. You could mention little anecdotes or tell them how much you love them.

6) Surprise them with your other close friends: The worst part about adulting is moving away from your friends and not meeting them enough. One of the best surprises is to pool in all your friends and surprise your best buddy. They will relish this moment forever, and it will be a memorable birthday. It will bring back the old gang together, and nothing beats a night with your closest friends. You could drink, play games, dance and sing together.

7) Send them air tickets: Another out-of-the-way gift idea is sending your friend an air ticket for them to come and visit you. Material gifts cannot bring as much joy as meeting your friends and catching up on old times. Try to investigate their work schedule and other engagements. If you think they can fly out, it is an impeccable gift.


One can surprise their best friends with many more ideas, but we have narrowed the best ones down. Hopefully, these are instrumental in surprising your best friend and brings a smile to his/her face.