How CIB chief Paul Drechsler pocketed a £7.4m payoff from his last job

The CBI chief pocketed a secretive £7.4million payoff from his last job – before lecturing other bosses about excessive pay.

Paul Drechsler, 62, received the whopping sum from construction firm Wates Group.

He took £6million in bonuses plus his £1.4million pay package in his final year at Wates, despite presiding over job losses and plunging profits.

Yet his payout was omitted from the company’s glossy annual review and was not included in public statements related to his departure. 

CBI chief Paul Drechsler, 62, pocketed a secretive £7.4million payoff from his last job – before lecturing other bosses about excessive pay

It was only revealed in the firm’s statutory official accounts for 2013/2014, filed months later, squirrelled away in a footnote on page 73.

Mr Drechsler left as chief executive of Surrey-based Wates in January 2014. It had recorded a fall in turnover of 22 per cent in 2013 to its lowest level since 2006, with pre-tax profit also falling to £22.3million, the lowest level since 2005. 

The previous year, it had made 283 redundancies.

But despite this, Mr Drechsler received £1.4million in ’emoluments’ plus £4.2million in accrued long-term bonuses, topped up by £1.8million in a final-year long-term bonus, totalling £7.4million. 

Then, after taking up his new role running the CBI, he began criticising fat cat executives over excess pay.

Last year, he declared: ‘Executive pay has become a lightning rod for public discontent. 

He took £6million in bonuses plus his £1.4million pay package in his final year at Wates Group, despite presiding over job losses and plunging profits

He took £6million in bonuses plus his £1.4million pay package in his final year at Wates Group, despite presiding over job losses and plunging profits

The CBI is very clear that the unacceptable behaviour of the few does not reflect the high standards and responsible behaviour of the vast majority of companies.’

He also said: ‘Where CEO pay has become disconnected from performance, shareholders should have the power to show the company a ‘yellow card’.’

This was the second time Mr Drechsler had received a controversial payoff despite poor business performance.

In April 2003, he was forced to quit after disastrous results at ICI Business Quest where he was chairman and chief executive earning a pay and pension package of £450,000.

Yesterday Wates said: ‘All details of Mr Drechsler’s salary and long-term incentive plan, to which he was fully entitled under the terms of his employment, were published in our statutory accounts and are publicly available from Companies House.’