Ketosis pills commonly referred to as keto pills are a type of diet pill that aid in weight loss. The pills contain ingredients that promote the process of ketosis in the body enhancing rapid weight loss. The process of ketosis involves your body burning fat instead of glucose to derive energy that is required to facilitate body functions.
Most people following the ketogenic diet are said to lose weight fast due to the process of ketosis. The ketogenic diet involves eating low-carb, high-fat foods but you can also take keto pills to help you lose weight.
However, there are a lot of misconceptions and doubts regarding keto pills and their effectiveness. Compared to the ketogenic diet, most people are wondering whether the pills can get you to the ketogenic state and indeed help you lose weight. To help you see if keto pills are for you and if they work, here’s how they work and how ketosis pills can help you lose weight.
How ketosis pills promote ketosis
Naturally, the human body produces ketone bodies when it breaks down fat for energy. However, ketone bodies can also be introduced into the body from an exogenous or external source, which in this case would be by taking a ketogenic supplement or pill containing ketone bodies. Keto pills aim at increasing the levels of ketones in the blood. These pills boost the levels of ketones in the body to facilitate ketosis.
Ketosis pills and supplements contain additional ingredients that raise the blood’s ketone levels. These ingredients assist in weight loss. Different keto pills contain different ingredients with some containing caffeine, to promote focus and alertness and increase energy. Others contain prebiotics that promotes gut health enabling your digestive system to adjust to the ketogenic diet.
Other keto pills contain exogenous ketones, like BCB and medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, (saturated fats found in coconut oil). Compared to most other saturated and unsaturated fats, MCTs have a shorter fatty acid. This allows the body to break them down faster.
But, it’s not the MCTs in keto pills that will help you lose weight. You have to take the keto pills along with a ketogenic diet for them to work since they are limited in how much ketones they can produce in your blood. But, you can follow a ketogenic diet without taking the pills and still get the additional benefits missing in keto pills.
A low-carb diet allows your liver to produce more keto acids and breaks down these MCTs into ketones. This is enabled by body fat cells that are dispatched to the liver and later on converted into ketones that your body requires for energy. Find out more about some of the best keto pills to help your body maintain the right conditions to enter ketosis and help you burn fat.
The use of electrolytes
Some ketosis pills also contain electrolytes such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium. For those already on a keto diet, ketosis triggers the release of salt from your body higher than the normal amount released. Most keto-friendly foods are rich in potassium, such as beef, avocado, fish, eggplant, and leafy green vegetables.
Electrolytes aid in blood sugar regulation and support brain health. Though keto pills contain electrolytes which are beneficial the best way to get electrolytes is from food since most keto pills aren’t FDA regulated. Keto pills can also be quite costly and it’s best to have a budget in place.
Benefits of keto pills
The ability of keto pills to increase ketone levels in your blood may help you to lose weight and in the long run help meet your weight-loss goals. If possible, incorporate a low-carb diet rather than a low-fat diet for faster results.
Keto pills also reduce appetite levels and keep you energized even in the absence of food. This allows you to consume smaller portions and still feel full, preventing you from eating too much which is the main aim of the ketogenic diet.
For a beginner, the use of keto pills might lead to undesirable symptoms like vomiting, fatigue, and lethargy. The best is to drink lots of fluids, sleep well, and incorporate some natural energy boosters into your diet. Others find the keto diet difficult to follow, especially when it comes to adhering to a strict high-fat, low-carb diet.
You need to be disciplined enough to curb your food cravings. Ketosis pills work but always consult a dietician if you have any underlying issues before using them. This will also help you to reduce any chances of nutritional deficiencies.