‘How good is rugby league’: Bizarre new sex tape emerges

September 4 – Pictures are published of Canterbury players dancing nude during their Mad Monday celebrations. The club was fined $250,000 and players Adam Elliott and Asipeli Fine both pleaded guilty to wilful and obscene exposure.

September 30 – Former Parramatta star Jarryd Hayne is alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman after travelling to her home in the Hunter region of NSW on NRL grand final night. He has been charged with aggravated sexual assault and has pleaded not guilty.

October 1 – South Sydney’s Greg Inglis is charged with speeding and drink-driving while returning from an indigenous rugby league tournament in Dubbo. He was stripped of the Australian captaincy and handed an 18-month good behaviour bond.

October 13 – Parramatta’s Jaeman Salmon is charged with drink driving after a traffic accident in which he flipped his car and hit three parked vehicles. He was convicted and disqualified from driving for six months. He has also been stood down from playing in round one and fined $10,000.

November 24 – Wests Tigers player Zane Musgrove and Penrith’s Liam Coleman are involved in an alleged incident at a Coogee hotel n Sydney’s east. The pair have pleaded not guilty to indecently assaulting a 22-year-old woman.

December 2 – Newcastle prop Jacob Saifiti suffers a broken leg after being knocked out in a fight outside a pub. He was not charged by police but is fined $25,000 by his club.

December 6 – Manly’s Dylan Walker is charged with common assault following an alleged domestic violence incident at his Dee Why home in Sydney’s north. He has pleaded not guilty. His partner has retracted her original statements to police in which she claimed he pulled her hair, causing her to fall.

December 13 – Jack de Belin is charged with the aggravated sexual assault of a 19-year-old woman. He has pleaded not guilty.

December 21 – Six Cronulla lower-grade players are involved in a scuffle at the Cronulla Sailing Club. The nightclub banned the entire Sharks playing group. The six players were all fined.

December 25 – Brisbane’s Myles Taueli shatters a man’s jaw with a coward punch only weeks after being drafted into the Broncos’ top 30 squad. He has been convicted of assault, jailed for two years and has had his Broncos contract torn up.

December 26 – Newcastle’s Tautau Moga allegedly slaps a taxi driver. He has been charged with common assault and will appear in court on March 21.

December 30 – Wests Tigers utility Michael Chee Kam is alleged to have punched a ride share driver. He has been charged with common assault.

January 7 – Scott Bolton pleads guilty to common assault after grabbing a woman’s upper thigh at a Sydney bar. He was given a 12-month good behaviour bond.

January 11 – The first of three lewd videos involving Dylan Napa emerge on the internet, all of which show the Queensland prop engaging in a sexual act.

January 15 – A video emerges of Corey Norman watching on as a man snorts a white substance off a plate. Norman was sanctioned by the NRL for the video in 2016.

February 1 – Ben Barba is sacked by North Queensland after the club views CCTV of an alleged domestic incident at a Townsville casino. He has been handed a life ban by the NRL.

February 20 – Brisbane’s Haas is stood down for four games and fined $20,000 for failing to comply with an integrity unit investigation. 

March 1 – The NRL investigates sex tapes involving Penrith Panthers player Tyrone May. 

March 4 – The league’s integrity unit investigates another sex tape allegedly involving another two Penrith Panthers players.  

 – AAP

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