How liver transplant patient Robert Manning went from carefree to fighting for his life in a coma

Rob Manning owes his life to one word and to the family who uttered it while he lay helpless in a coma approaching death.

The word was ‘yes’, and it allowed Rob to receive a new liver from a fellow patient at Sydney’s Royal Prince Alfred Hospital late last year. 

‘I offer my heartfelt and loving “thank you” to the family of my liver donor, I will respect the gift I have being given,’ the former telco executive said.

Rob Manning shows off the scar of his Liver transplant, which came through at almost the last minute 

‘I wake up every day grateful that I am alive. I am forever grateful to that family for saying “yes”.’

 It was a life-saving miracle in a number of ways.

‘Having suffered catastrophic liver failure I needed everything to go right and miraculously it did,’ Rob, 55, said.

‘I am A-plus positive blood type and the liver was type O (the universal donor type).

‘An organ donor has to die in a certain way. They must be on life support or in an emergency department.

‘While I was in ICU it could well have been the bloke next to me who was my donor – I don’t know.’

After blacking out on December 19 the next memory Robert has is from January 2, when he rang his wife from hospital

After blacking out on December 19 the next memory Robert has is from January 2, when he rang his wife from hospital 

Rob was still alive thanks to the epic dash his wife Claire made to get him to the hospital in Sydney’s eastern suburbs from the couple’s Central Coast home. 

Claire had returned home from a shopping trip on December 19 to find Rob unclothed and disoriented. 

‘I was standing naked in the doorway not being able to put on my pants and shoes,’ Rob said.

‘She said “are you OK?” 

‘I said “I don’t know. I feel weird”. 

‘I was feeling like the senses were not working. I had no balance and no ability to put the pants on.’

Robert and wife Claire (pictured left) had no idea when joyriding in their son's convertible around Sydney in March last year that their life was about to take a dramatic turn

Robert and wife Claire (pictured left) had no idea when joyriding in their son’s convertible around Sydney in March last year that their life was about to take a dramatic turn

Claire bundled Rob in the car and made the 100km dash to the RPA, which she managed to do in 90 minutes without getting fined.  

Rob was triaged in the hospital’s car park because of Covid restrictions. 

‘I was shivering even though the temperature was about 28C but I was feeling very cold,’ Robert said. 

‘If it wasn’t for her (Claire) being there I probably would have got treated like any other patient.

‘She told them “there are people inside that know what’s going on” – she had rang them on the way down.

While he was in a coma Robert was put on dialysis to keep his liver and kidneys functioning

While he was in a coma Robert was put on dialysis to keep his liver and kidneys functioning

‘So, they put me through. It was 3:30pm or 4pm when they wheeled me through the door and by 5pm I was in intensive care on life support.’

Entering the hospital in a wheelchair is the last memory Rob has until he woke up on January 2. 

With Rob’s kidneys shutting down as well as his liver, he had a deadline of 12 days on dialysis before the damage would become irreparable.

‘There was probably a very high likelihood that I wouldn’t have lasted past the first week of January,’ Robert said.

‘By the 12th day I would have been put through the tests to say “is he here, is he coming back?” 

When Claire found Robert in their Central Coast home on December 19 he was naked and delirious

When Claire found Robert in their Central Coast home on December 19 he was naked and delirious

On December 29, Claire went to collect Robert’s phone and was also handed his wedding ring, Medicare card and other belongings.

Rob was close to death, which Claire learnt when the hospital rang her on December 30. 

‘We’ve got to operate because he’s deteriorating,’ she was told.

‘We need to get him a liver. We are stepping up every attempt to find a match’. 

A frantic hour and a half later the phone rang again.

‘We’ve found a match, we’re prepping him he’s going into surgery at the moment,’ the hospital said. 

When Claire picked up Rob's personal effects from the Sydney RPA hospital it felt like he was already deceased

When Claire picked up Rob’s personal effects from the Sydney RPA hospital it felt like he was already deceased

Robert found out he had end-stage liver disease because of an auto-immune condition, which also attacked his heart and kidneys, in July last year. 

Finding out was also a bit of good fortune with Rob barely slowing for a moment in his busy life as an executive. 

‘I didn’t feel sick at all,’ he said.

‘My wife had said to me many times, “you should go see the GP”. 

I just said “I don’t like doctors. I’m fine. If I get sick I’ll go but I’ve never been sick”.

Robert points to Facebook photo taken around that time showing him with a carefree grin as he and Claire joyride in his son’s convertible. 

‘So, you go from Friday, where I’ve got a photo of me in my son’s Mazda MX 5 driving with the roof down smiling and happy – to Monday when I was in hospital for two weeks,’ he said.

Rob has become a very active advocate for donor awareness and he also raised money for transplant charities

Rob has become a very active advocate for donor awareness and he also raised money for transplant charities

‘The hardest part was accepting the fact that I was sick because I was like “I don’t feel sick”. 

‘I owe my life to my wife for insisting I visit the GP.’

Robert spent two weeks in North Shore Hospital and over the next five months he had two heart surgeries and numerous tests. 

In early December he went back to the hospital for what he called a bit of remedial work ‘to keep him going’ until a liver transplant could be scheduled for April/May this year.

He left hospital with the medical staff telling him his blood samples were fine.  

‘They were happy to say “go and enjoy Christmas’ and we’ll see you towards the end of January”,’ Robert said. 

‘In the space of 36 hours from leaving the hospital everything just shut down. 

‘I came home and had catastrophic organ failure.’

Only about a third of Australians are registered organ donors, however family members still need to consent. 

Robert is urging people to talk about organ donation before the decision has to be made. 

‘It’s much easier to have this conversation around a BBQ, about what you want when you die than to be confronted in an emergency ward with “will you allow this?”,’ he said. 

Robert says despite being unwell he feels years younger since having his liver transplant

Robert says despite being unwell he feels years younger since having his liver transplant

‘Ten or 11 per cent of next of kin say no – one in 10.

‘If the dying person is not a registered donor that number goes up to 60 per cent.

‘Nationally the consent rate is 56 per cent, so 44 per cent of Australians say no to organ donation.’

Just one organ donor can help up to 40 people. 

Rob now works full-time as an advocate and fundraiser for organ donor groups.

He says his new liver is working extremely well, which is a relief because organ rejection is a major risk for any transplant patient. 

I have felt fitter and stronger than I have for 30 years,’ he said.

‘You tend to lead a more aware life.

‘In 2021 came the realisation I was not bullet proof or immortal.

‘The sun comes up and goes down and I want to see as many of those as I can.’










