How mum-of-two banished her belly and lost 12kg in just 8 WEEKS with F45

How to transform your body in EIGHT weeks: Mum-of-two reveals exactly how she lost 12.5 kilograms after a healthy diet failed to give her results

  • Miranda Klibbe participated in F45’s gruelling February eight week challenge
  • The mother-of-two lost the greatest body fat percentage of all the participants
  • She participated in six 5am classes every week and followed their diet plan
  • The Queensland native was hoping to lose 10 kilos but ultimately lost 12.5 kilos 

After the birth of her second child in 2018 Miranda Klibbe realised ‘watching what she was eating’ simply wasn’t going to shift the baby weight.

The 32-year-old from Clayfield, Queensland, decided to take some serious measures and kick start her fitness journey with F45’s eight week challenge.

Known for being tough but extremely rewarding for participants, Miranda attended the 5.10am classes six days a week, losing an incredible 12.5 kilos in the process.

After the birth of her second child in 2018 Miranda Klibbe realised ‘watching what she was eating’ simply wasn’t going to shift the baby weight

What does an F45 workout typically involve?

45 seconds on, 15 seconds off for 45 minutes: 

* Squat jumps 

* Lunges 

* Spider pushups 

* Kettle bell swings 

* Skipping  

* Box jumps 

‘I hadn’t done anything regimented or strict since having my first son so I decided after a few sessions of F45 that I’d do the challenge,’ she told Femail. 

‘I’d go in the morning so I got my exercise out of the way each day.’ 

Since the launch of F45 in Australia in 2012, thousands of devoted fans have completed the 45 minute classes that combine elements of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Circuit Training and Functional Training.

For Miranda the ‘Hollywood’ style on Saturday mornings was her favourite because it was a little bit longer at 60 minutes and ‘made you push yourself further’.

'I hadn't done anything regimented or strict since having my first son so I decided after a few sessions of F45 that I'd do the challenge,' she told Femail

‘I hadn’t done anything regimented or strict since having my first son so I decided after a few sessions of F45 that I’d do the challenge,’ she told Femail

For Miranda the 'Hollywood' style on Saturday mornings was her favourite because it was a little bit longer at 60 minutes and 'made you push yourself further'

For Miranda the ‘Hollywood’ style on Saturday mornings was her favourite because it was a little bit longer at 60 minutes and ‘made you push yourself further’

How does the F45 form of training differ from other workouts?  

 F45 Training merges 3 separate leading-edge fitness training styles into one, consummate and compelling group training experience for its members. 

F45 Training combines elements of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Circuit Training, and Functional Training. 

The fusion of these three training concepts has lead to the development of 31 different, 45 minute workout experiences, with more in development by our F45 Athletics Department. 

This combination of interval, cardiovascular and strength training has been proven to be the most effective workout method for burning fat and building lean muscle.

‘The class goes quickly. The weight ones are a bit different, not as fast paced. They are probably best for losing weight but I found them a little bit slower.’

But no exercise regime would be complete without a meal plan to go alongside it, and F45 is no different.

They offer compact recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner which Miranda followed ‘pretty much exactly’.

‘Breakfast was always something to do with eggs, perhaps with tomato and spinach on the side,’ Miranda said.

BEFORE: They offer compact recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner which Miranda followed 'pretty much exactly'

AFTER: 'Breakfast was always something to do with eggs, perhaps with tomato and spinach on the side,' Miranda said

BEFORE AND AFTER: Miranda feels like she has found a new routine with her training schedule

After the challenge! 'There was a zucchini noodle and turkey bolognese which I made alongside my husband and kids' spaghetti kind... It was a hard eight weeks,' she said

After the challenge! ‘There was a zucchini noodle and turkey bolognese which I made alongside my husband and kids’ spaghetti kind… It was a hard eight weeks,’ she said

Average day on a plate during the challenge during each phase



Super Greens Juice With Boiled Eggs

Morning tea

Handful of nuts


Chicken And Goat Cheese Zucchini Salad

Afternoon tea

Protein Almond Shake


Veggie Mash With Grilled Fish



Banana and Peanut Butter Smash

Morning tea 

Protein Almond Shake 


Middle Eastern Beef Bowl 

Afternoon tea

Lemon Coconut Ball


Coriander Chicken Burrito Bowl



Salted Caramel Protein Smoothie

Morning tea

Garlic Snow Peas with Almonds


Broccoli and Cauliflower pilaf with Chicken Strips 


Cumin Lamb Skewers with Greek Salad

‘Then lunch and dinner included mostly vegetables with a tiny bit of protein like chicken or red meat.

‘There was a zucchini noodle and turkey bolognese which I made alongside my husband and kids’ spaghetti kind… It was a hard eight weeks.’

But her determination paid off and she lost 12 per cent body fat over the challenge – the highest of any woman over the course of the eight weeks. 

‘I wanted to lose weight all over my body, not just from one particular area. My goal was 10 kilos,’ she said.

Ultimately getting into a regular routine and drinking less coffee and alcohol where the best things to come out of the challenge – with Miranda only gaining ‘one or two kilos’ since it ended three months ago.