The logos of big brands such as Adidas, Apple, and Domino’s are some of the most recognizable images in the world – but one test suggests they’re rather difficult to remember.
More than 150 people in the US were asked to draw well-known brand logos from memory.
The drawings of Adidas, Apple, Burger King, Domino’s, Footlocker, Ikea, Starbucks, and 7-Eleven logos were ranked for their resemblance to the real things.
The simplest logos were the best drawn with 30 per cent of the drawings of Ikea being described as ‘near perfect’.
Meanwhile only six per cent drew Starbucks’ crowned mermaid and tails logo and 8 per cent Foot Locker’s referee were portrayed accurately.
More than 150 people in the US were asked to draw well-known brands’ logos from memory for an experiment. This image shows the Burger King logos that were drawn

The drawings of Adidas, Apple, Burger King, Domino’s, Footlocker, Ikea, Starbucks, and 7-Eleven logos were ranked for their resemblance to the real things. Pictured: Adidas logos

Some of the sketches of the Apple logo are so bad that it is not clear if the respondents were taking the task seriously

The images were drawn using a computer program like Microsoft Paint for the research compiled by, which used an independent marketing agency to rate their accuracy. Pictured: The Footlocker logos

The simplest logos were the best drawn with 30% of the drawings of Ikea being described as ‘near perfect’

Meanwhile only six per cent drew Starbucks’ crowned mermaid and tails logo and 8 per cent Foot Locker’s referee portrayed as accurately

Patterns of how we remember – or not – iconic images emerged after the pictures were mapped on to these 12×13 grids. Pictured: The 7/11 logos

More than three in ten drew a stalk in the logo, a quarter forgot the leaf, 22 per cent drew the apple bite on the wrong side with a further 16 per cent missing it out completely

One of the logos drawn as part of the test was the Domino’s logo which most people found hard to draw despite it being so simple