How to Be an A-Getter in Distance Learning

Distance learning is a perfect option for those who are into more flexible education. It allows studying at the comfort of your home and combining education with work or other responsibilities. At the same time, it is not much easier than a traditional curriculum. And when it comes to motivation and time management, it might be even harder. But it is still very much possible to be a successful student and get straight A’s as long as you approach it wisely. Here are the best tips on how to achieve that.

Prepare all the resources

Before the course even begins, one needs to make sure that everything is set up. Check out what technologies and apps you will need to follow the curriculum. Make sure that they are all installed and work perfectly. Also, navigate the program website and online system so that you can promptly join the class. Get all the other things prepared – like notebooks, pens, laptop or tablet, etc.

Schedule time for studies

Every distance learning program has a fixed end time. Schedule how much time in a day or week you can devote to your studies. Think about how it corresponds to other activities. Create a schedule of what you can do and be realistic. You probably won’t have the energy to work and study 24/7. Include breaks and relaxation time into your timetable.

Benefit from online help

There are various tools, apps, and platforms that can make distance learning much easier. Some offer an argumentative essay outline, while others grant access to relevant and peer-reviewed articles. Here are some of the apps that can help you be more productive:

  • Grammarly – excellent free proofreader;
  • Pomodoro timer – helps to focus on the work effectively;
  • Evernote – dashing app for taking all kinds of notes;
  • Dropbox – useful for backing up all your documents;

Have all of these tools and apps easily accessible. And do not forget that there are professional platforms that offer essay writing for help to students. If you are not a very experienced essay writer, you can ask for editing or proofreading assistance.

Set up a constant workplace

Another great tip for boosting productivity is to have a designated work area. It helps to stay organized and get into a study mood. You need a table and a comfortable chair (your back will thank you for that). And, of course, a good internet connection. It is perfect if the table is near a window and there is a lot of light. Reduce all the distractions and turn off smartphone notifications when you are studying.

Create a study calendar

This is the basis of effective time management. You need a digital calendar to keep up with all your deadlines. Choose the app that is synchronized among various devices so you never miss a thing. Put in all study deadlines as soon as you get an assignment. Always set reminders a week or two before the actual submission date. This way, you’ll start working on a project in time. Also, put other responsibilities in the calendar so it is easy to write to-do lists and schedule your week.

Be an active participant

The fact that you study online doesn’t mean anyone gets to be passive. It is required to be active and participate in the study process. Be sure to actively communicate with the instructor or professor. Ask questions related to the content. Generally, establish good relationships with your tutor. Always thank them for support and advice, listen to the feedback, and participate in discussions.

Such behavior will increase your internal motivation and give you a feeling of engagement. It will also show the tutor that you are interested in learning and being successful in it.

Communicate with colleagues

The same goes for the other course participants. If possible, connect with them and bond over the course materials. Why is it important? Well, the social factor is an essential part of education. Also, they can help you with the course or you can prepare together online. It can turn into fruitful cooperation. In case you get a collaborative project, do not passively wait to be connected with someone. Choose other engaged and active learners.

Establish a reward system

Sometimes, even the most productive person might feel a lack of motivation. It is completely fine. To cheer yourself up and release some dopamine, establish a reward system for yourself. In such a case, every successfully finished task subjects you to a reward. They can be very different, from material things to time spent on favorite games. The larger the task is, the more exciting the reward should be. It will help to get through it with the hope of getting something cool after.

Set clear educational goals

In distance education, one might feel a bit stuck or lost sometimes. Especially, if you do not follow a particular degree program but rather choose different courses. In such a case, you need to write down your goals for this process. What do you want to achieve? What certification do you need to get? Have a list of goals to know what you are working for.

Another good idea is to write what it will bring to you as a result. For example, you need to get this certification so you can get a promotion at your job or apply for a new one with a higher salary.

Develop a study routine

This is by far one of the best ways to get in a productive mood. Set a routine you always follow before studying. It can be anything, like taking a shower, making a coffee, putting on an ‘educational sweater.’ By repeating the same rituals, you train your brain to get into a specific mood.

In Summary

Distance learning makes education more accessible to the general population. Whether you are acquiring a degree or particular certification, it can be a great opportunity. But it does require self-motivation and strong time management. Be prepared and ready, communicate with tutors and colleagues, and do not forget to benefit from various tools. If you follow these tips, those A’s will come easily.