How to Become an Artist?

An artist is a person who makes the decision to dedicate himself to art as a profession to make a living from it. Making this decision is not easy at all; it seems like professional suicide because he knows from the outset that only he will be responsible for that decision, as he is putting his entire life at risk.

Working within the art market is an act that is assumed with all courage, and beyond having the great responsibility of not turning a work of art into simple consumer merchandise, and every real artist senses it, they do it with the illusion of continuing to safeguard the dignity of the work, as well as the respect that both the artist himself and the viewer deserve.

And then, if art is a difficult decision, why dedicate yourself to it? The answer is simple: for the love of art!

The artist cannot live without art in his life, rather than liking him he is in love with it; for the artist, art is a necessity, simply his reason for being.

Today, art enjoys a privileged position in the collective imagination; there are different platforms that support, distribute, sell and promote creativity in any of its expressions. However, it is still common to hear, from the mouths of some renegades, that the choice of an artistic profession is the choice of a selfish path, or a lonely destiny, or, in the worst case, a death sentence for lack of opportunities in a society in which the most important thing is to survive with productivity, immediacy and tangible functionality.

Despite how difficult it can sometimes seem to dedicate yourself to art, there are hundreds of young people who make it part of their lives and from them, we can learn these lessons to improve our lives, whether or not you want to dedicate yourself to art in a professional way.

So what does an artist need to become a great artist? I am showing you the best bonus content here. In our opinion, as in any other profession, there are certain essential qualities that every artist should have in order to be successful.

Essential qualities to be a great artist

Talent: It is true that a few lucky ones are simply born with great artistic talent, however, if this is not your case, neglect, you will be able to study and prepare yourself to acquire fluency in the language of art that allows you to develop your talent.

Discipline: We generally think of an artist and a relaxed lifestyle comes to mind, without schedules, and without stress; the reality is that a true artist is much disciplined and does not wait for inspiration, but is constantly practicing and working until he achieves his masterpiece.

Passion: the only way to do a great job is to love what you do, it will motivate you to always try to be better and look for ways to improve yourself.

Courage: An artist is always brave because he is not afraid of criticism or judgments of both his work and his person. Artist has the courage to express themselves through the medium of their choice and the subject matter they prefer without worrying about what they might say. You always have to be brave to express yourself, so there will be fewer people who feel misunderstood or abandoned and there will be more voices to listen to.

Creativity: It is a gift that we all have but only a few manage to put it into practice; creativity is a powerful tool to connect with others.

Empathy: An artist lives with feelings on the surface and therefore knows how to distinguish a wide spectrum of emotions in others, which makes it much easier to empathize and understand other points of view. Artists speak, write, paint, compose, and transmit feelings; If people were to get closer to their feelings and leave apathy behind, there would be much more good news to share.

Study other artists: Narrow down the artwork of successful or inspiring artists to their most basic components to determine what makes an image successful or problematic. eye! It is not to imitate them or because we distrust them, but to start our own path.

Personal style: Analyze your own passions, put your own style to the works you do, little by little you will become a specialist with your own brand.

Sensitivity: An artist has to have to feel the color and the form; he has the ability to understand their language and adapt it to his expressive needs, a sensitivity that develops over the years. In art there are no words, good art is felt, liked, it reaches the viewer.

Social Responsibility: The artist gets to influence others, the artistic movements have been able to change the mentality of humanity and transform the world.