How to Boost Website Conversions in 2022

Increasing your website conversions is highly crucial. Having a high conversion rate is the foundation of your e-commerce success. But the main question is how you can boost website conversions effectively and immediately?

While there is no single solution for conversion rate optimization (CRO), we will do our best to provide you with the best strategies in this field. Therefore, let’s discuss some best practices to help boost your website conversions.

Use Website Visitor Tracking Tools

Many online businesses are using website visitor tracking tools to detect problems and provide the best possible UX/UI experience for their website visitors in no time. Website visitor tracking tools can provide valuable information on how your site works for online users.

Therefore, you can quickly identify any drop-offs or engaging parts of your website.

Using the tool, you have the experience of being right behind your visitors and taking a close look at their screen to notice those errors on your website that are causing high bounce rates and catch any UX issues you may have overlooked.

Today, there are many website tracking tools out there. However, you should be careful to choose the right one that better fulfills your business needs and goals. WatchThemLive is one of the best website visitor tracking tools with many helpful features all in one place.

In addition to insightful analytics and real-time data, it offers many other beneficial features like session replays and heatmaps.

In short, if you want the power to understand how your online users navigate your website so you can use that data to boost website conversions, you need to get WatchThemLive ASAP.

Design CTAs for Your Website

Meaningful and well-placed CTAs are very effective in boosting your website conversions. When you tell visitors what to do on your website, they are more likely to do it than if you leave it up to them to figure it out on their own.

To increase conversions on your website, follow the tips listed below on how to design CTAs strategically:

  • Instead of links, use buttons for CTAs. Buttons get more clicks. Moreover, give CTA buttons 3D or other artistic effects to make them more noticeable on your web page.
  • Give clear and concise directions, like “click here to subscribe.” Visitors don’t have the time or patience to follow complicated instructions. Everything you need them to do should be straightforward and possible to accomplish in a few clicks.
  • Place your add-to-cart CTA above the fold. Make sure to place your CTAs where online users expect to find them. Web visitor tracking tools or A/B testing can also assist you in determining the effectiveness of your CTA buttons.

Do A/B testing

The other effective way to boost website conversions is to test everything and measure the results. Doing A/B testing of your website will let you try different CRO strategies to see which one performs better. A/B testing removes the guesswork and provides accurate insights into improving a website.

In running this test, half of your traffic sees the original version of the page, while the other half sees the modified version. Finally, the page with more conversions is the winner.

It also has to be noted that Google encourages A/B testing and has declared that an A/B or split test will not adversely affect your website’s search rankings. Hence, Google Optimize is built on Google Analytics data to run A/B (or multivariate) and direct tests and continuously improve user experience.

Streamline the Purchasing Process

To improve conversion rates, reduce distractions and add trust elements to your website. Simply put, if there is no trust, people will not buy from you. What makes people trust your website? Let’s explore.

  • Make it Easy for People to Contact You. A simple way to boost your website’s credibility is to include your contact information (phone number, physical address, email address) on your website. By doing so, you will add credibility to your site and online business.
  • Design Your Website Professionally & SEO Friendly. Amateur-looking websites kill trust. Also, people assign more credibility to sites that have recently been updated or reviewed. In short, an SEO-optimized webpage can help you gain more online visibility and boost website conversions considerably.
  • Make Use of User-Generated Content. Utilize user-generated content (UGC) as social proof to attract potential customers, as people trust customer reviews as much as personal recommendations. Reviews and testimonials encourage website visitors to take action, ultimately resulting in higher website conversions.
  • Offer Guarantees to Eliminate or Reduce Risks. Guarantees remove uncertainty and encourage users to take action right away. A/B test different guarantees to determine which works best.

Take Note of Your Competitors

Be aware that most people do their research before purchasing a product. Therefore, you should compare your products to those of your competitors before users do so. In comparing yourself to the competition, you can point out the features you believe are your most significant advantages.

Thereby, you have a good chance of increasing the perceived value of your products among your customers. Additionally, adding product comparison pages to your website will keep people longer on your website, helping you to rank higher on SERPs.


Well, that is it. Here, we covered some proven tools and strategies to help increase your conversions. You can use them to optimize your website and boost website conversions considerably.

However, please note that improving your website conversions isn’t just a one-time deal. Instead, it is a dynamic and ongoing process that needs your constant dedication and engagement.