How to Check If Your Pearls Are Real

Do you need to know if the pearls you have are real or fake? It can be difficult to tell, especially if you don’t have any experience in the jewelry field. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to test and determine if your pearls are authentic.

This blog post will discuss five different methods of checking if your pearls are real. You can use these tips to ensure that the pearls you have are genuine and If you wish to have one right now, you might want to check out PearlsOfAustralia.

Read on to learn how to check if your pearls are real.

Look at the surface of the pearl

One of the easiest ways to check if a pearl is natural is to examine it closely. Real pearls have a smooth and glossy surface, free of any blemishes or ridges. The surface may not be a genuine pearl if it looks rough or bumpy.

You should also look for any imperfections on the surface, such as nicks or small spots, which could indicate that the pearl is not real.

Check for uniformity

When examining your pearl, look to see if it has a uniform shape, size, and color. The surface of the pearl should be smooth and even, without any bumps or spots. If the pearl is not uniform in size, shape, or color, it is likely not a real pearl.

Similarly, if the surface of the pearl is not smooth, this could indicate that it is not real.

Take a close look at the nacre

Nacre is the shiny coating that makes up the outer layer of a pearl.

This layer should be smooth and have a uniform iridescent appearance. Imitation pearls may have an artificial, dull or bumpy surface, while real pearls will have a smooth and shiny surface with a rainbow-like iridescence.

To examine the nacre of a pearl, hold it up to a light source and look at it closely. You should be able to see the layers of material that make up the nacre and identify any areas that may appear different from the rest of the surface.

The x-ray test

The x-ray test is one of the most reliable methods of distinguishing between real and imitation pearls. It works by exposing the pearl to a low-energy x-ray beam, which penetrates the pearl and reveals its internal structure.

Real pearls will have a very distinct internal structure consisting of concentric layers of nacre, while fake pearls will have a much less defined or absent structure. This test requires specialized equipment and should be done by a professional.

The acid test

The acid test is a reliable way to identify real pearls from imitation ones. It involves rubbing a small drop of diluted hydrochloric acid onto a hidden area of the pearl. If it is genuine, the pearl won’t react to the acid and there won’t be any visible change.

However, if the pearl is an imitation, the acid will cause it to dissolve and you’ll be able to spot any discoloration on the surface. This method is highly effective, but should only be used by experienced professionals.


Pearls are a beautiful and elegant gemstone that can be the perfect addition to any wardrobe or jewelry collection. If you are in the market for pearls, it is important to make sure that you are getting genuine pearls and not fake ones.

The tips outlined above can help you identify if your pearls are real or not. If in doubt, it is always best to consult a professional jeweler who can provide more detailed information and advice on the authenticity of your pearls.

By following these steps, you can rest assured that your pearls are authentic and of the highest quality.