How to cull and de-clutter your wardrobe for the New Year

If a new year is good for anything, many will say it’s a great time for de-cluttering and revamping your wardrobe.

But for anyone who is afraid of tackling their unruly closet, Sydney-based personal shopper, Alarna Hope, is here to help.

Speaking to FEMAIL, Alarna shared her top tips for how you can cull your closet this New Year, and reap the benefits via peace of mind and a beautifully-organised wardrobe.

Sydney-based personal shopper, Alarna Hope (pictured), shared her tips for how you can cull and de-clutter your wardrobe for the new year

The first thing you need to do when cleaning out your wardrobe is allocate a good amount of time - many people just plan a clear out on a whim and don't put in the hours needed

The first thing you need to do when cleaning out your wardrobe is allocate a good amount of time – many people just plan a clear out on a whim and don’t put in the hours needed

Alarna (pictured) recommends knowing what style you want to have before clearing out your wardrobe - it'll help you to plan accordingly

Alarna (pictured) recommends knowing what style you want to have before clearing out your wardrobe – it’ll help you to plan accordingly

When it comes to clearing out, Alarna said the first thing to do is set yourself aside some time:

‘Many people clean out their wardrobe on a whim, instead of planning it out and allocating enough time to themselves to complete the task,’ she told FEMAIL.

‘It’s important that you know what style you want to have before cleaning out your wardrobe, too, rather than just removing the things you no longer wear.’

Alarna recommends starting at one end of your wardrobe and removing each item one by one, creating four piles as you go

Alarna recommends starting at one end of your wardrobe and removing each item one by one, creating four piles as you go

The four piles are - loosely speaking - a pile for things which need altering, things which are sentimental but unworn, things that are un-liked or unworn and a maybe pile

The four piles are – loosely speaking – a pile for things which need altering, things which are sentimental but unworn, things that are un-liked or unworn and a maybe pile

Alarna recommends starting at one end of your wardrobe and removing each item one by one, creating four piles as you go:

Tips for culling your wardrobe for 2018 

* Allocate enough time to get the job done – this will take hours if done properly.

* Know what style you want to have before removing items, and start creating four piles of things.

* The first pile will include items which need altering, the second is sentimental items you no longer wear, the third is things you don’t like and don’t fit into and the fourth is the items you have worn fewer than three times in 12 months.

 * Think about the gaps in your wardrobe and make a mental ‘gaps list’.

* Invest in new storage devices, like space saving hangers, hooks and expendable shoe racks. Alarna swears by space saving hangers. 

* Arrange your items either by style or colour so that you can find them easily.

* Don’t be afraid to do a little DIY to make your wardrobe look beautiful. 

‘Remove the things that need altering and put them in one pile,’ she said. 

‘Then pull out those sentimental pieces that you don’t wear anymore but simply can’t part with and put them in a second pile.’

The third pile should consist of things you don’t like or don’t fit into, and the fourth pile should be filled with the things you have worn fewer than three times in the past 12 months:

‘This is the maybe pile, keep this aside for three months – and if you still haven’t worn them in three months, it might be time to get rid of them,’ she said.

Once you have your piles of clothes, everything left in your wardrobe should be something which fits, feels good and hasn’t dated. 

Now, you need to think about the gaps in your clothing, and make a mental ‘gaps list’:

‘As you’re cleaning, make a note of whatever is missing,’ Alarna explained. 

Make sure the list is detailed so when it comes to adding to your wardrobe, you’re not struggling to remember what you need. 

'As you're cleaning, make a note of whatever is missing,' Alarna explained (pictured) - this 'gaps list' should be filled with whatever it needs when you next go shopping

‘As you’re cleaning, make a note of whatever is missing,’ Alarna explained (pictured) – this ‘gaps list’ should be filled with whatever it needs when you next go shopping

Next, it's time to invest in some 'new storage devices' like space saving hangers (pictured), hooks and expendable shoe racks

Next, it’s time to invest in some ‘new storage devices’ like space saving hangers (pictured), hooks and expendable shoe racks

Next, it’s time to invest in some ‘new storage devices’ like space saving hangers, hooks and expendable shoe racks:

How to make your wardrobe look pretty 

* ADD LIGHT: Invest in some battery operated lights and/or a sheet of mirrored glass to the back of your shelving which will help to bounce the light around and give a vintage feel.

* UTILISE BOXES: Fabric covered boxes or cane baskets are great additions to your wardrobe that can allow you to store items that might not be used in the coming season like raincoats.

* ADD HANDLES: To make your wardrobe look super shoppable, get yourself some screw on handles, which will add a beautiful touch.

‘Honestly, when I used space savings hangers for the first time on my own wardrobe, I didn’t know what to do with myself,’ Alarna said. 

‘I had so much more room in my wardrobe, and because all of my hangers were the same, my wardrobe looked much neater.’

Alarna also said you shouldn’t be afraid to do a little DIY in your closet, as you’ll thank yourself later on.

‘Do not be afraid to add any extra shelves you may need or moving rails up or down to suit your wardrobe,’ she outlined. 

‘Many wardrobes have DIY aspects and usually only take a screw driver and a few of those thumb tack, push into the hole plastic thingys [sic] that keep your shelves up.’

Alarna said you shouldn't be afraid to add your own DIY aspects - you may need extra shelves or to move rails up and down, she said

Alarna said you shouldn’t be afraid to add your own DIY aspects – you may need extra shelves or to move rails up and down, she said

Finally, Alarna (pictured) sorts her wardrobe either by style or colour - this helps you to create new habits when picking clothes from your closet and should be rearranged periodically

Finally, Alarna (pictured) sorts her wardrobe either by style or colour - this helps you to create new habits when picking clothes from your closet and should be rearranged periodically

Finally, Alarna (pictured) sorts her wardrobe either by style or colour – this helps you to create new habits when picking clothes from your closet and should be rearranged periodically

Before you put everything back into your wardrobe, give it a good clean with a vacuum cleaner and wipes. 

Then, put everything back in slowly, organising various sections ‘either by style (long dresses, short dresses, sleeved tops, sleeveless tops, jackets, skirts and pants) or by colour (lightest to darkest)’.

‘This helps you to create new habits when picking your clothing from your wardrobe and should be rearranged every six months,’ Alarna explained. 

Rearranging it every six months will ensure you’re always thinking up new outfits and clothing coordinations.

The personal shopper is also a fan of pretty details for both your wardrobe and drawers, like pretty handles (pictured)

The personal shopper is also a fan of pretty details for both your wardrobe and drawers, like pretty handles (pictured)

Once you’ve got the wardrobe of your organised dreams, it can be easy for it all to drift back to disarray within a couple of weeks.

But, Alarna said, you can stay on top of it – with a few simple tips and tricks.

‘To keep your wardrobe clutter free, you need to ensure you’re organising it with a home for every item from your first clean out,’ she said.

‘If you can’t fit everything in your wardrobe, look at either minimising your clothing collection or moving non-seasonal items to another area in your home.’

Finally, if you don’t feel fantastic in something – or it no longer fits – then either donate or recycle that piece of clothing.

‘The maybe bag is key,’ she added. 

‘If you go back to your maybe bag and use something, then that item should be kept. But if, after three months you haven’t used it, it needs to be moved on.’

To read more from Alarna Hope, please visit her website here