How To Determine If You Should Repair Or Renovate Your Old Pipes

Pipes can be a rough and expensive mess, especially when you’re dealing with old pipes in your basement. For your pipes to function optimally, it has to be maintained routinely. Sometimes that means doing major renovation work, and other times it might simply require some minor repairs on the side of the pipe.

These are some ways you can determine if you should repair or renovate your old pipes.

Determine The Age Of The Pipe Materials

The age of your piping is important to know to figure out if your pipes are salvageable. Firstly, you’ll need to look at the materials used in the construction of the pipes.

Older piping methods tend to use clay or cast iron for piping compared to modern methods that seem to be using PVC or copper tubing more and more. The problem with these older materials is that they are not very durable over time.

If they’re more than 40 years old, you’ll have to replace the pipes.

Inspect The Drains And Fixtures For Leaks

It’s not a good sign when the drains or the fixtures are leaking. If you use your pipes regularly, they can start to wear out over time. Pipes can develop bad seals or cracks and leak even without warning signs.

Ensure to check for any leaks and take care of them as soon as possible. You need to ensure that the pipes are running smoothly and that no weak spots are present in the pipe materials.

Inspecting the drains and fixtures for leaks will help you decide if you need to repair or renovate your old pipes.

Check For Signs Of Corrosion On The Piping

Corrosion is a problem that’s sure to rear its ugly head in any metal piping you have in the home. The longer water runs through metal, the more likely it is to damage it and start to rust.

It is true about old metal piping systems that have been in place for several years. You can remove a small section of one of your pipes and check it for signs of corrosion. If there is corrosion present, you’ll want to consider it major and have it renovated.

Check The Water Pressure

If you notice a change in water pressure, you might have to do some major work on your plumbing. If your water pressure seems unusually low at times, it can indicate serious problems with the piping system.

It would be best if you made sure that your entire home’s water pressure is safe and functioning at a reasonable level. It is wise to check this by turning the faucet on and watching the pressure.

If it’s running too low, you’ll want to consider having someone come out and repair or renovate your old pipes before they get any worse.

Discolored Water

If you notice your water has an odd color or is discolored, it probably means that there’s something wrong with the piping. The watercolor is not a sign of any specific problem, but it’s a sign that something might be amiss in your home’s piping system.

Make sure to have someone come out to inspect your old pipes to solve this problem. A plumber will be able to determine if you will be repairing or replacing your old pipes once they’ve looked over the corrosion and discolored water.

Sinks And Drains Are Slow To Drain

If your sinks and drains are slow to drain, you might have a problem with your old piping structure. It could be that the tubs, sinks, toilets, and drains have been installed improperly, or there may be some issues with the piping connections.

When the pipes are properly sealed, they should keep the water flowing freely with no problems. If the drains are slow, it’s going to take a lot of time for one load of dishes or your shower to finish draining.

Be sure to call in a plumber to inspect the piping structure and determine if you need a repair or if you need to renovate your old pipes.


If you have clogs in your piping system, it might mean that you’ve got some major issues on your hands. You want to unclog these clogs as soon as possible to maintain the health of your entire piping system.

That might mean having a plumber come out and look at parts of the pipes for repair or renovation. It will be best to get these problems taken care of right away because clogged pipes are one of the biggest causes of water damage in a home.

A plumber will help you determine if your pipes will need repairing or if it’s time to replace them completely.

You Have Major Water Bill Increases

If you’ve been noticing an abnormal increase in your water bills, it could be due to some serious problems with your old piping system. The leaks and other problems you have with your home’s plumbing system are sure to cost you money in repair work and also in wasted water.

If you’re noticing a major increase, especially if it’s more than 10%, you should consider finding someone to deal with the problem by repairing or renovating your old pipes.

Check For Dangerous Materials

Ensure that you check the materials your old plumbing system is made out of. You want to look for all types of materials, whether metal, plastic or even copper pipes. You’ll want to ensure that there are no harmful or toxic materials, such as lead, in these piping materials.

You’ll want to deal with these issues right away if you have any dangerous piping in your home’s plumbing system. A plumber will be able to identify the materials in your old pipes, as well as any other issues that might need to be dealt with if you need to repair or do a renovation.

In conclusion, there are a lot of warning signs that you might need to do some major work on your old plumbing system. The best way to figure out if you need to renovate or repair your plumbing system is to have at least one professional come out and take a look at the piping system.

If you see any of these warning signs or notice any changes in the water output or pressure, it’s time to call an expert out to inspect it and determine whether you need an upgrade or only need to have repairs done.

Many plumbers in Fairfield Ohio are experienced in dealing with older piping systems, so they often perform repairs and renovations with minimal downtime.