How To Get Targeted Instagram Followers

If you are stuck with the same number of followers, you’re probably asking yourself where you could be going wrong. Successfully building an Instagram account is a task that cannot be completed in a day or two; it requires a lot of patients and hard work. Furthermore, you cannot depend on the same followers to comment on all your posts or purchasing your products.

Most Instagram followers build a small following of family and friends. Suppose you want to increase your Instagram following by adding real followers to your account; what do you do? With the increase in the amount of Instagram users, expanding your reach on this platform is not easy; you need to think outside the box and develop a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Buy Real Instagram Followers

Naturally, it is difficult for new Instagram users to targeted Instagram followers because not many people will share or recommend it with others. One way of giving your new Instagram account new life is through purchasing real Instagram followers.

If you were to purchase a given number of followers per day, you would realize a steady growth in your following and a lot more in your engagement. Doing this will incite your followers to view, like and share your post with others. After a while, followers will start coming naturally, and your account will grow.

Buy Real Instagram Likes

Apart from buying real Instagram followers, the next thing to do is add likes to your Instagram post. While some vendors are fond of selling fake Instagram likes from reputable sellers, it is possible to buy Instagram likes from a reputable source. Numerous people are claiming to sell real Instagram likes while selling fake likes, so you should choose an honest vendor.

The algorithm used by Instagram ranks a post with hundreds of followers on top of all the others with a low follower-base. That means the more likes your post has, the more eyes it is likely to catch. If you have quality posts that are good enough to convince Instagram users to follow your channel, your follower-base will certainly grow tremendously.

Hop-On Trends

When an opportunity presents itself, you must align your content with the trending topics, as they will help improve your discoverability and engagement. You can also choose to participate in one of the hashtag holidays like #NationalCoffeeDay. Marking such events in your calendar and preparing quality content to post them will help you build a solid connection with your followers.

Ask For More Followers

While most Instagram followers feel that asking people to follow them is like stooping too low, it’s one of the strategies implemented by authority accounts. In the same way, YouTubers invite viewers to subscribe to their channel at the end of their videos, so you can also ask viewers to like your content and follow your Instagram accounts.

Many people enjoy your content; you need to put out an Instagram post asking your followers to follow you. You can also do this on all your Instagram captions by hinting at content coming up.

Post At The Right Times

Beyond adding hashtags and using the best filters to get more Instagram followers, you should also consider the timing. A targeted Instagram approach involves analyzing your post history against engagements. The report should highlight the best times of the day or days of the week.

Statistically, most Instagram users are online in the afternoon and evening hours. Therefore, you must schedule your post during these times to get more eyes to view your Instagram post.

Add Hashtags

The only way of making new people discover your channel is by including the right hashtag in your Instagram post. When people search through a particular trending hashtag, they will see a list of all posts with a hashtag in them. Choose a hashtag that is likely to have a considerable number of your target audience.

When selecting a hashtag, you will require to do your research and look for other Instagram posts that have a niche similar to yours. A good hashtag should be specific to a particular subject like product, lifestyle, campaign or location. However, be careful not to make your post look boring buy putting too many hashtags on it. A maximum of 10 hashtags per post is acceptable.

Keep Posting Photos And Videos

Instagram growth is a continuous process, so you should never get tired of putting up photos and videos. If you keep your followers waiting for too long to post, they might get tired of waiting, and you could end up losing a massive chunk of your followers.

Also, make your content attention-grabbing. You can start by uploading entertaining infographics and entertaining videos that come in many forms. Just ensure that everything you post fits your niche and is attractive to your followers. Instagram users will run away from your post if you stock copy-pasted videos or images. Give them original content, and they will not stop vising your account.

Share Your Link On Other Social Media Platforms

Even with the vast number of users on Instagram, you should not depend only on this platform in your marketing strategy. It is helpful to market your account along with other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube.

Whenever you post something on your other social media networks, embed a link to your Instagram account. Your viewers will like the post, check your Instagram profile and join the bandwagon of increasing your reach by sharing it with other people.

Follow Other Instagram Users

It’s essential to build a bond with other Instagram users interested in your niche by following their account. Go to the search box and type the content you want, prioritize channels with a huge following and click the follow button on their account.

On the next page, find a list of followers whose niche aligns with yours and selectively follow a significant number of active accounts. The trick here is that you follow at least 40 of them per hour. There is a high chance that they will follow back since they are already interested in your content.

Pay For Sponsored Posts

While organically optimized posting is good for your account, you still take advantage of influencer marketing to expose your brand to a broader audience. Unlike all the above tactics, you will have to pay upfront to get this service. If done well, this will drive a good following to your account.

If you decide to use this method, the first thing you will need to do is to find a list of large accounts in your niche; for instance, if you sell beauty product, you will have to find large accounts from beauty bloggers. You don’t necessarily require influencers with a large following to get more followers; instead, go for those with high engagement rates.


If you are not careful with social media, you can feel that you are fighting a losing battle.  You could be trying your best to put up content that will grab your followers’ attention only for your audience to fail to convert.

However, with the right strategies, Instagram can be an ideal platform for your products or brand. Success on this platform cannot be realized in a day or two; you need a lot of patience and hard work.