How to immigrate and move to Spain

Do you dream of living and working in Spain someday? First of all, you’ll need to apply for a Spanish residency. So let’s explore your options to help you decide which steps to take next:

Buying real estate in Spain

Here are two options:
You can get a golden visa as an investor when you purchase land amounting to 500 000 euro, without a mortgage.
You can apply for a Spanish residency license without work permits. This option is possible if you purchase an apartment of some worth or lease an apartment for an extended period (Visa de Residencia no Lucrative). It is important to note that you are required to earn a rate of 400 percent IPREM (approx. € 28 000) as income, and 7 000 Euro for each additional family member. If you are taking a family of four individuals, it amounts to at least € 49 thousand a year.

Here are two options:

  • a golden visa for the investor to purchase land without attracting a mortgage amounting to 500 000 euro
  • you cal apply for Spanish residency license without job permission, which you can receive by purchasing an apartment of some worth, or by leasing an apartment for a long time. (Visa de Residencia no Lucrative) Everything is all right, but the most important thing is to confirm a rate of 400 percent IPREM (approx. € 28 000) of the applicant’s income and 7 000 Euro for each family member If you are taking a family of four individuals, it amounts to at least € 49 thousand a year.

The benefits of the residency permits considered are as follows:

  • Free travel in and beyond the EU;
  • In the future, you can apply for Spanish citizenship by extending your residency permit;
  • First, the head of the family may receive the residence permit. And adherence to further conditions, all other family members may qualify too;
  • You can start your own business.

Marriage ties with a Spanish citizen

The basis of filing papers for this residency permit is marriage with a Spanish citizen, allowing you to acquire a nationality and permanent residence in a short period. You may apply for Spanish citizenship one year after the legal registry of marriage.

Family relations aid to secure a permit to continue if:

  • Your parents or ancestors are of Spanish descent.
  • You currently have family members that belong to the Kingdom of Spain.
  • You have family members who have already obtained a residency and work permit in Spain.

Also, Spanish-born children are eligible for accelerated citizenship acquisition and an NIE number in Spain within the year.

Student visa

Specialization in a paying educational institution is a basis for receiving a Student visa. At the same time, education institutions must be accredited by the Spanish Minister of Education and must be allowed to invite foreigners to study. This is not restricted to university education but also includes private children’s schools, commercial schools, language schools, etc.

Status of a refugee

The Refugee status procedure can take as much as two to three years to complete. The Immigration Service representative interviews you and provides the necessary documentation. You have to consider this status precariously. Possible examples for approval include; military operations in your region, fear of being killed because of same-sex relationships, etc. As you can see, it isn’t about merely getting a Refugee status on demand.

Visa for work

Here you have to remember that this approach is one of the least promising, considering Spain’s high unemployment level. However, there are alternatives. Teaching higher education in a specialty under request in the Kingdom of Spain is one option. Another option is to have an employer arrange a license that has been approved by the Spanish Labor Ministry. Lastly, as a foreign professional, you can apply to work in the place of a Spanish employee who’s unable to fulfill their obligations.

Moving illegally and obtaining a residence permit based on residence

If you do not take any of these approaches, then do not fear. A one-way ticket to Spain is the most popular way of traveling around the country for three years without taking a break. This option is promising, regardless of how terrifying the term “illegal” may seem. Registration is the crucial element that begins the countdown of your period – so the phrase “registration at residence” is much more fitting.