How to Incorporate Human Grade Food into Your Dogs Diet

The human-grade pet food trend is really making a splash, and there’s plenty of reasons for any pet parent to get onboard. Given the frequency with which popular dog food is recalled or revealed to have failed basic standards, it’s understandable to be cautious about feeding your dog the kibble you find on a store shelf.

But that doesn’t mean that you should just begin feeding your dog human-grade food overnight. While this type of dog food can more effectively fulfill your dog’s dietary and nutritional needs, there are some steps you can take to make the transition more painless.

Shop Smart

Just because your dog will feel better eating human food doesn’t mean that all food is going to be good for them. The canine body is naturally designed to depend on meat to survive, but you might be surprised at how well fruits, vegetables, dairy, and other types of food can benefit a dog’s diet.

That said, you need to be careful about what foods you introduce into their diet. Common foods like chocolate and onions are toxic and potentially fatal to dogs, and they’re just two of the more dangerous options. Consider the nutritional requirements your dog actually has when considering their diet.

Even better, look for a human-grade dog food that’s built for the physiology of dogs rather than preparing all of their meals from your refrigerator. This type of food has been formulated to meet the nutritional needs of dogs without being too expensive or impractically perishable.

Take it Slow

Dogs aren’t the most adventurous eaters, but that comes down to more than just a picky appetite. Sudden changes to a diet can cause serious stomach issues – and that could scare them off from more adventurous dieting choices pretty quickly.

Instead of simply replacing the old food with a new formula, slowly begin to integrate it into your pet’s diet. By mixing it together with their existing formula and slowly changing the ratios to transition towards a new formula, you’ll be doing a favor to both your dog and yourself. With the right schedule, you should be able to transition to the new formula in weeks or even days.

Monitor Behavior Closely

Changing a formula too quickly can lead to digestive issues, but you should keep an eye out for other health issues that might not have such an easy remedy. Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior, and keep an eye out for any changes like lethargy, apparent stomach issues, or loss of appetite.

It’s possible that these issues aren’t related to a change in dog food, but it’s also possible that they have an allergy or some other condition that’s causing a negative response to the formula. If you do notice recurring issues with a new formula, it’s time to schedule a visit with the vet. They can help you determine how serious the issue is, identify any underlying causes, and help you develop a personalized treatment plan.

Taste Matters

While dog food manufacturers love to brag about how their formula matches the diet of dogs in the wild, it misses one key point. Most dogs were never bred to live in the wild, and generations upon generations of domestication have undoubtedly affected their natural diets and physiologies.

Dogs have developed tastes and imperatives distinct from what their natural instincts would suggest, and that makes it important to find formulas that take into account the unique needs of domesticated dogs and the desire for something that tastes good. If your dog is stubbornly refusing to eat their new human grade dog food, it might be time to shift your priorities and look for ones that taste like treats rather than the ones that taste like the food on your own plate.