How to keep teeth white while drinking coffee and red wine

Though coffee and red wine are beloved beverages by many, they are notorious for staining the teeth.

Dark-colored drinks such as such as coffee, tea, red wine, and soda can become embedded in the cracks and ridges of the teeth and if not properly managed, can cause permanent dark and yellow stains.

But by following just a few simple steps, you may be able to conserve your pearly whites without cutting out those staining drinks.

New York City dentist Dr Eunjung Jo from Astor Smile Dental gave her tips for protecting your teeth from stains while still enjoying your favorite drinks.

Tips for protecting teeth from stains while still enjoying your favorite drinks include sipping from a straw, chewing gum and drinking water as recommended by a New York City dentist


Sipping through a straw reduces the amount of stain-causing liquids that come in direct contact with your teeth.

Dr Jo says if you feel odd sipping hot drinks through a straw, ‘make sure to use a lid, never use a mug for coffee.’


Dr Jo stresses the need to floss in order to clear plaque between the teeth.

Plaque attracts stains, therefore reducing plaque in general will reduce staining.

Not flossing could lead to stains in between the teeth even if you brush regularly.

Dr Jo said: ‘Regular floss is the best as it’s smooth and silky.’ She advises against using floss picks and says they’re not as thorough as regular floss due to less friction. 

And if you’re really dedicated to teeth whitening, she recommends getting a Waterpik or water flosser because it’s ‘just like getting a teeth cleaning but at home’.   


Coffee and red wines are highly acidic which can break down teeth. Drinking water will help wash away dark liquids from the teeth. 

Dr Jo says: ‘Our enamel begins to break down at a PH level of 5.5 and coffee has a PH level of 6.3.’   

Doctors recommend four liters of water a day and three liters a day for women.  

Coffee and red wines are highly acidic and break down teeth once acidity gets to a PH level of 5.5. Drinking water will help wash away dark liquids from the teeth and keep them from settling

Coffee and red wines are highly acidic and break down teeth once acidity gets to a PH level of 5.5. Drinking water will help wash away dark liquids from the teeth and keep them from settling


The longer staining beverages sit on the teeth, the more they set in. That’s why it is important to brush the contents off of your teeth. 

But Dr Jo warns not jump too quickly into brushing right after drinking coffee or wine.

‘You must wait at least one hour to neutralize the acid,’ she says. 

She highly recommends using an electronic toothbrush because the rotating head and vibration offers deep cleaning results.


Sugarless gum has the American Dental Association Seal as it has been scientifically proven to protect teeth.

‘Chew sugar free gum to promote saliva in the mouth five minutes after drinking or eating,’ Dr Jo says. 

The increased salivary flow can help neutralize and wash away the acids and plaque on the teeth.   

Sugarless gum has the American Dental Association Seal as it has been scientifically proven to protect teeth by producing saliva that washes away plaque and acid 

Sugarless gum has the American Dental Association Seal as it has been scientifically proven to protect teeth by producing saliva that washes away plaque and acid 


Dr Jo reminds everyone to visit your dentist for a teeth cleaning twice a year, whether you drink teeth-staining drinks or not. 

The dentist uses manual and powered tools to deep clean between the teeth and remove plaque better than at home brushing can do. 

Seeing a dentist twice a year is average for most people, while others may need more frequent visits due to cavities or gum disease.

Professional teeth whitening or strips are available for an extra boost of whitening.