How to Learn to Type: Best Ways to Master Typing Skills

Having a high typing speed can be one of the most incredible skills you would like to learn. Everyone can become at least twice as productive when they improve their typing speed.

If you want to improve your productivity through fast typing, you can click here and learn how to type faster in four simple tips.

Why should you bother typing faster?

An average person can type at least 45 words per minute. You need to type around 80 words per minute to qualify as a professional typist. Whether you want to be a professional typist, there are good reasons to improve your typing speed to get it as high as possible.

Impressing people

Typing fast impresses people. It is admirable to see somebody typing fast, whether in their workplace or home. They would most likely be interested to know how and where you learned how to type fast.


Everything in life is based on a computer today. Suppose you can increase the speed at which you interact with the computer close to your thinking. In that case, you are much more productive at the computer.

Fast typing speed is not only for typing heavy essays or documents at the workplace. It is also general in interacting with your web browser or sending messages to friends, making you more productive.


Writing something, whether a blog post or a first draft, should always be a brain dump without really stopping to think about it too much. The more creative you become the closer your typing speed to your thinking speed.

Therefore, you would be able to make blog posts, newsletters, and other write-ups pretty faster.

Four ways of learning how to type fast

You can achieve fast typing speed by practicing progressively. However, before your practice, you should pay attention to specific fast typing tips to help you attain high speeds.

Keyboard short cuts

Keyboard shortcuts are a great hack when fixing mistakes while typing. Typos are usual when trying to type fast, though if you have to use the backspace to clear typos, it takes a long time to type fewer words.

Instead, shortcuts like control + backspace in windows or option + backspace in MacBooks can help delete a whole word from your typos.

Use typing websites

There are good websites that help improve your typing speed. It would be best to consider getting to the websites occasionally to improve your typing speed. Your progress will be according to your practice.

More practice means higher typing speed. Choosing the best typing website is also essential in improving your typing speed.

Try to avoid looking at your keyboard

The primary point about touch typing is to try typing without looking at your keyboard. Though it can be very tempting to look at the keyboard initially, you need to avoid looking at it.

Importantly, you would train yourself by typing slower and not looking at your keyboard unless you make a mistake and have to refer during the first learning days. Typing fast means typing without looking where the keys are located on the keyboard.

Returning your fingers to the proper resting position

You always want to be returning your fingers to the resting position of the “asdf jkl semicolon”.

You can achieve this quickly by noting the little bits on the f and j keys. Meaning your index fingers for both the right and left hands can always return to the same position without finding the position every time.

Being faster is not just about bashing the keys on your keyboard. Getting to terms with the productivity equation is essential, where you would consider the time, useful output, and the fun factor.