How to nod off: Sleep guru Dr GUY MEADOWS gives his tips on falling sleep

How to nod off when you’re fighting insomnia: Sleep guru DR GUY MEADOWS gives his tips on falling sleep

There’s nothing quite like getting a good night’s sleep and few things are worse than hearing the alarm after hours of restless tossing and turning.

But what can you do if you’ve exhausted your stash of chamomile tea and lavender soap?

Dr Guy Meadows – the founder and Clinical Director of Sleep School and author of The Sleep Book – has apparently helped more than 300,000 people swap nocturnal torture for gentle nights of sweet dreams.

Here, he shares his top tips and tricks for how to hit the hay – and do it well.

It includes a selection of simple practical solutions – like beginning a pre-bedtime ritual well in advance – or more emotionally challenging ones which include addressing the worries which may be keeping you awake.


Sleep in the same place, whenever possible, and avoid drifting off on the sofa before bedtime. Stock image used

Start by reducing mental and emotional stimulation and switching off digital devices at least an hour before bed.

Sleep in the same place, whenever possible, and avoid drifting off on the sofa before bedtime. Even if you get the same amount of sleep, one long slumber, compared with many shorter disturbed naps, has a more restorative effect on the body.

As soon as you feel tired, start your bedtime routine. If you repeat a few simple steps each night, your brain will associate that with bedtime and help prepare your body better for sleep.

It could be as simple as having a hot drink, listening to relaxing music or doing some stretches.


Aim to keep wake-up times within 30 minutes every day to regulate patterns. Stock image used

Aim to keep wake-up times within 30 minutes every day to regulate patterns. Stock image used

Irregular sleep patterns can cause havoc in the body and lead to poor-quality sleep, low energy and social jet-lag. Twelve per cent of us do not keep an eye on the time, which results in late bedtimes. Setting a ‘go to bed alarm’ each day can help to keep your sleep on track. Aim to keep wake-up times within 30 minutes every day to regulate patterns. On weekends, aim to wake up no later than one hour past your weekday wake time. If you feel tired later in the day, take a 20-minute power nap between midday and 3pm.


Try labelling your thoughts by giving them a nickname such as 'money' and every time it pops into your head, quickly divert it to a mental filing system. Stock image used

Try labelling your thoughts by giving them a nickname such as ‘money’ and every time it pops into your head, quickly divert it to a mental filing system. Stock image used

Stress is a part of life and financial concerns are often inevitable. If they are keeping you awake, try labelling your thoughts by giving them a nickname such as ‘money’ and every time it pops into your head, quickly divert it to a mental filing system rather than getting trapped in a continuous loop.


Choose a mattress and pillow combination that are the ideal firmness, size and material for your comfort needs. Stock image used

Choose a mattress and pillow combination that are the ideal firmness, size and material for your comfort needs. Stock image used

The Twinings Sleep Census shows us the home environment is stopping 14 per cent of the UK from getting enough sleep. There are five key things you can do to improve this is.

  • Darkening down your bedroom helps tell the body clock that the day is over and triggers release of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin. Also wear an eye mask and turn off any unwanted standby lights.
  • Check the room temperature: Ideally it should be a cool 16-17 degrees. Switch off the central heating at night and use multiple layers rather than a single duvet to allow you to adjust your temperature.
  • Choose a mattress and pillow combination that are the ideal firmness, size and material for your comfort needs.
  • Reduce noise in your bedroom with sound-absorbing soft furnishings such as rugs, heavy curtains and drapes on the walls. If you’re struggling, block out unwanted noise with earplugs.
  • Improve your bedroom air quality by growing detoxifying plants such as aloe vera. Keep a window open to improve ventilation and maintain a stable humidity by avoiding drying damp clothes in there.


You can practise a simple scan by accepting that you are awake and mindfully focusing your attention on where your body connects with the bed. Stock image used

You can practise a simple scan by accepting that you are awake and mindfully focusing your attention on where your body connects with the bed. Stock image used

If you wake up in the night, try to stay in bed and rest, as it conserves energy, helps repair your body and consolidates memories. Doing chores and switching on devices at night makes our body think it’s morning.

You can practise a simple scan by accepting that you are awake and mindfully focusing your attention on where your body connects with the bed.
