How to open Zooper Dooper ice blocks without scissors

Aussies are losing their minds over a ‘genius’ hack for opening Zooper Dooper ice blocks without scissors: ‘I can’t believe I didn’t know this’

  • A mum-of-two has blown the minds of millions after revealing a simple hack
  • Shelby Brazell simply breaks her Zooper Doopers in half to open them
  • ‘My mum brain is always looking for ways to make my life easier,’ she said

A mum-of-two has wowed millions after revealing a surprisingly simple trick that opens a Zooper Dooper without using scissors.

Shelby Brazell, from America, staid hat she first discovered the hack because she had a hard time locating a pair of scissors.

‘I don’t know if you’re like me and you can never find scissors in your house,’ she said. ‘Or sometimes, it’s just annoying to try and find them!’


A mum-of-two has blown millions of minds after revealing a surprisingly simple trick that opens a Zooper Dooper without using scissors

She continued, ‘As a mum, I try to find anything that makes my life easier. And who knows, maybe this is why they’re called popsicles!’

Shelby then held her Zooper Dooper from both ends and snapped it in half like you would a breadstick.

‘Are you kidding me?’ she said after breaking the popsicle in perfect pieces without any spillage. ‘And I didn’t even need to use scissors.’

Shelby divulged that she discovered the hack because she had a hard time locating a pair of scissors

She then held her Zooper Dooper from both ends and snapped it in half like you would a breadstick

Shelby Brazell, from America, divulged that she discovered the hack because she had a hard time locating a pair of scissors

And while her TikTok has over 2.7 million views and almost ten thousand comments, many revealed that they are struggling with the hack.

‘No way,’ said one woman. ‘If I did this in front of my kids, there would be screaming fits and crying that I “broke” them.’

Another added, ‘My kids would have mutinied and overthrown the ship. IT’S BROKEN!’

But others were simply unable to break the Zooper Dooper in half without some casualties.

‘I tried this and my white shirt is now pink,’ cried one man. ‘It spilled everywhere.’

‘Doesn’t work for me either,’ wrote another. ‘The wrapping only tore slightly and now it’s leaking onto my floor.’ 

And while her TikTok has over 2.7 million views and almost ten thousand comments, many revealed that they are struggling with the hack

Some claimed their children would never consume 'broken' popsicles, but others couldn't manage to efficiently break them without spillage

And while her TikTok has over 2.7 million views and almost ten thousand comments, many revealed that they are struggling with the hack

After lots of pleading, Shelby decided to make another video with an additional tip.

‘I’ve seen lots of people try to bend it,’ she said. ‘That doesn’t work! You just have to crack it in half, really quickly.’

And following the second video, many finally got it right.

‘I just tried it and didn’t expect it to work,’ wrote one woman. ‘But it did! And so easy as well.’

‘Perfect hack,’ wrote another. ‘Post-lunch snack secured.’

‘I am going to try and trick my kids into thinking this counts as two Zooper Doopers,’ added a third. ‘Wish me luck!’
