How to pick the ideal plastic surgeon for your needs?

Thanks to technology, plastic surgery has come a long way, and it is now safe and sophisticated. Many people are becoming comfortable with the idea of enhancing their appearances through plastic surgery.

Plastic surgeries like liposuction, breast augmentation, butt lifts, etc., have increasingly become popular worldwide. So, what do you do when you want to have a particular plastic surgery procedure?

The first step is identifying the ideal plastic surgeon who can deliver the best experience and outcome. Your choice of a cosmetic surgeon impacts the results, and it is a choice you live with your entire life.

A poor choice of a plastic surgeon can increase your chances of poor results, so it is best to perform your due diligence beforehand. Here is a checklist to help you pick the best plastic surgeon for your needs.

Ensure they are board-certified

Plastic surgery is a critical procedure, and you want to deal with someone who is trained and skilled in what they do. Any plastic surgeon on your list should be board certified as the first qualification.

Ensure you check whether they have all the necessary credentials before going ahead with a consultation. Medical jargon can be confusing, so you need to know what you are looking for.

Recognized board certification shows that the surgeon has undergone a rigorous board certification process to earn the certificate of practice. Affiliations to well-respected organizations of plastic surgeons also add to the surgeon’s credibility.

Board certification is especially crucial in an age where quacks call themselves cosmetic surgeons.

Find out the surgeon’s experience in the specific procedure you want

In addition to training and skills, plastic surgery requires some level of artistry, as David Matlock, plastic surgeon, advises. This is where experience comes in. Different cosmetic surgeries require different skills, so every plastic surgeon has a subspecialty within the field.

For instance, operating on a breast, mostly comprised of soft tissues, would be very different from operating on the nasal passage with bone cartilage and breathing passages. Therefore you need a surgeon who is experienced in the procedure you want.

It is advisable to study the surgeon’s style and approach and see whether it aligns with your needs. Your ideal plastic surgeon is likely to be the one whose work style aligns with your aesthetic goals and can tailor the treatment to suit your needs.

Review the surgeon’s gallery of patient cases

As you find out more about the surgeon, ensure you review their gallery of patient cases, including studying the before and after pictures of surgeries they have performed. During the consultation, do not hesitate to ask for case studies, references, and patient testimonies.

It is also advisable to look at patient reviews on review platforms to get an honest overview of the plastic surgeon from patients who have interacted with them before. Please pay attention to the patients with similar qualities to you, around your age, and with the same concerns and see how their procedures turned out.

Vet the facility

Plastic surgeries cannot happen outside of a hospital, so it is good to ensure the facility your surgical procedure will be performed is held to high standards of safety and quality patient care.

You want your procedure to take place in an accredited and accommodating plastic surgery facility such as the beauty clinic Dubai. Therefore you must look at things like licensure of the facility and accreditation by the necessary regulatory bodies.

When vetting the facility, be keen on customer service too. How do the staff treat patients? Are they helpful and friendly? Are all the fees clearly stated? These are some of the questions you can evaluate to ensure you choose a facility that serves and treats you well.

Hospital quality matters because top-rated facilities have higher chances of success in the procedures they perform.

Pick a surgeon you can trust

Having a personal rapport and easy communication with your plastic surgeon is such a great thing. It can mean the difference between a good surgical experience and a great one.

Therefore you should be keen on finding a surgeon you connect with so that you can have an honest conversation about your surgery and aesthetic goals. When you trust your surgeon, it becomes easier to ask questions, discuss your lifestyle, overall health, and any other concerns you have.

Most importantly, look for honesty. A reliable provider will not tell you what you want to hear but will give you honest guidance and an approach towards achieving your aesthetic goals. Ideally, the surgeon should be interested in knowing you to tailor the treatment to your unique needs.

The takeaway

Choosing a plastic surgeon can be daunting, but it is worth it in the long run. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all in plastic surgery, and you must make the proper evaluations to ensure the surgeon you choose is the right fit for you.