How to Reduce Your Organization’s Cybersecurity Risk

Cybercrime is on the rise, with criminals being able to access data online that can then be sold or used, without having to leave their homes. Businesses must work to protect the data they store, whether that’s personal information on employees, customer data, financial data, and more.

To do this, it’s important to know how to minimize the risk of something happening and what to have in place to prevent potential hacks or other issues. 

Work With Security Experts

It is highly recommended for businesses to work with cybersecurity experts.

They may recommend access control systems like Synergis to keep the building secure from intrusions, apps to help increase security online, ways to help remote employees remain secure, and more.

They can take a look at the cyber components of the business and determine any vulnerabilities that need to be corrected before the system is hacked or vital data is stolen. 

Basic Security Controls

Basic security controls should be in place. This includes requiring strong passwords for employees, keeping the local internet secure, and using encryption for all data collected by the business.

Security experts can help ensure all basic security controls are in place and that businesses are using today’s best practices to help keep everything secure. Don’t forget about training employees to understand the risks of cybercrime, how it can happen, and what can be done to prevent it. 

Security Options for Data

All data should be securely stored to prevent anyone from gaining access to it. The exact plan can look different for every organization, but it should include encryption for any stored data as well as secured access for the data when it is needed.

Business owners will want to make sure they have backups for the data in case anything does happen to avoid losing it, and the backups should have robust security measures in place, too. 

Zero-Trust Framework

Zero-trust framework is used by a lot of organizations today to limit the amount of data anyone can access. Employees must go through an authentication before accessing any data, typically by using a password, but 2-factor authentication may be used, too.

Once they are allowed into the system, they can only see the data they need to be able to do their job. By limiting what employees can see if an employee account is hacked, the data seen by a criminal will be limited, too. 

Policies for Remote Work

Today’s organizations often provide employees with the opportunity to work from home. While that can bring many benefits for the business and workers, it can also be a security risk. There should be privacy policies in place for all remote work.

Employees may need to use a work-issued computer, use passwords to log into the system or have other security measures to follow to allow them to work from home without risking the company’s security. 

Keeping an organization secure often requires a bit of setup and time, and it will be necessary to review and adjust policies and techniques over time. Working with an expert and using the right software or tools can make this easier and can help keep the business safe.

Look into all security options today to learn more about how they can help keep your business more secure.