How to remove stains: Mum in a panic after her little girl draws all over the couch of a friend

A mum has been left in a panic after her daughter scribbled all over her friend’s couch with permanent marker.

The frantic mother revealed her little girl had taken a rare moment of alone time to add her own special touches to the beige two-seater.

To make matters worse the friend had been kind enough to help them out with a place to stay while they were travelling, she explained in a post online.

‘Can anyone help me? I don’t know how to clean this,’ she said adding a photo of the wrecked couch.

Some people were quick to slam the mum – telling her to replace the couch and watch her child.

This prompted her to edit the post to explain professional cleaning and replacement were on the cards but she thought she would ask for advice first.

A mum has been left in a panic after her favourite tiny artist took self-expression to a new level by scribbling all over her friend’s couch with permanent marker

And most people were sympathetic.

‘Kids suck sometimes, don’t beat yourself up about it mumma,’ one woman said before advising to suss out how much the couch cost.

‘You poor thing, why do they do this kind of stuff the little buggers, good story for her 18th though,’ said another.

Some people suggested handy DIY tricks to banish the permanent marker lines.

‘I get pen out of my children’s school uniforms by spraying hair spray then washing as normal. This only works if you haven’t washed it or tried other products on it,’ one woman said. 

‘I used hand sanitiser on my leather couch when my little one drew on it with a permanent marker,’ said another. 

‘When my daughter drew on my car seats a professional cleaner told me to use metho – and it worked a treat,’ another woman said. 

While others agreed it would be best to call in the professionals.

‘If it was a small spot then I would say give it a go, but it isn’t, it is huge so you need to call in backup,’ one woman said. 


What should she do?

  • Try to clean it with a viral hack! 0 votes
  • Contact the professionals! 0 votes
  • Buy a new couch! 1 votes

‘You poor thing, our darling children. Be honest and get it professionally cleaned, it is not worth the risk when she has helped you out,’ one woman said.

‘The pros will have this cleaned in no time – and with much less stress,’ said another.

‘Seeing as it is someone else’s I wouldn’t risk experimental cleaning, just call in the professionals.’ 

While others said replacing the couch could be easier.

‘She should check her insurance policy, if she has accidental damage they should replace it. You would just need to pay the excess,’ one woman said. 

‘To be honest I think you need to buy her a new couch. Depending on the fabric anything you use will just damage it,’ said another.

This isn’t the first time someone has taken to the group for help cleaning up after their ‘tiny’ creative geniuses. 

One mum shared photos of her pint-sized Picasso’s efforts to redecorate the kitchen with bright red acrylic paint. 

A mum has shared photos of her pint-sized Picasso's efforts to redecorate the kitchen - with bright red acrylic paint

A mum has shared photos of her pint-sized Picasso’s efforts to redecorate the kitchen – with bright red acrylic paint

The youngster’s artwork can be seen spread across the light-grey vinyl of the kitchen floor and streaked over the matching cupboard doors.

Tiny red foot steps shed some light as to exactly how the artwork was made as does a sneaky photo taken of the little girl at work, unaware of her quietly watching mum.

The paint, which initially left the mum ‘completely speechless’, ‘lifted quite well’ but left a light-pink stain on the floor.

‘How is your Saturday going?’ the mum asked, sharing the photo in a cleaning group.

Most people agreed the tiny red footprints were their favourite part of the self-appointed art project

Most people agreed the tiny red footprints were their favourite part of the self-appointed art project

She also posted ‘after’ photos showing how she managed to remove the artwork.

Cleaners on the group praised her for getting rid of most of the mess, as others thanks her for brightening their day.

‘At least you got us all a good laugh with it! Even though it was probably not so funny walking into a room to this,’ one mum said.

‘They grow so fast. One day you will look back when Picasso is grown up and you will all have a good laugh about it,’ another said.

The mum impressed cleaners with her ability to clean up the paint without professional help

Though she wasn't happy with the slight pink stain which remained

The mum impressed cleaners with her ability to clean up the paint without professional help

Some joked it was a little too late for Halloween decorations.

The mum explained the artwork was created first thing in the morning.

‘I didn’t know she had woken up yet – I was in my room,’ she said.

Most people agreed the tiny foot prints were ‘too much’ and ‘very cute’.

The cleaners agreed the pink stain left on the floor should ‘come out over time’. 
