How to solve the error “Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages”?

What is the use of the NPM package?

NPM is the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform. It puts modules in place so that nodes can find them, and manages dependency conflicts intelligently. NPM package is extremely configurable to support a wide variety of use cases.

Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages

The message “Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages” appears quite frequently in NPM Package Manager. When installing NPM packages globally on a Mac, you will frequently run across this issue.

This blog provides a list of various solutions to the issue that you are experiencing.


Upstream dependency conflicts can be very challenging to resolve. Because one dependency can be linked to another dependency that uses a different version, this can result in version conflicts.

The conflict described can be resolved in either of two different ways. The first and most straightforward option is to move the import of library G ahead of the import of library Y within the POM file for X.

Nevertheless, an approach that is more organized would be to include the most recent version of Z (2.0) as a direct dependency of X within the POM file for X.

If library Z supports backward compatibility, the second option might work, but only with a little bit of luck (as library Y uses v1.0 of Z). In this situation, testing is necessary in order to boost reliability.

Even if there are version conflicts, it does not necessarily mean that your project will crash. Typically, there will be version conflicts if you use a large number of libraries.

However, we need to take precautions to ensure that the version of the library we use does not cause our project to crash.

How do you get rid of the error “Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages”?

If you are attempting to use npm to install vue, you can run into the following problem:

-mapbox mapbox-gl.

After completing npm install, all that is required to fix the “Fix the upstream dependency problem while installing NPM packages” issue is to use the —legacy-peer-deps switch.

For instance, if you want to install radium, you would type npm install —legacy-peer-deps —save radium on the command line. We are holding out hope that it will.

Option 1: Install npm –legacy-peer-deps to test.

In the most recent version of npm (v7), which is still in beta testing at the moment, there is a problem with Peer Dependencies. It ought to work if you run npm install —legacy-peer-deps.

Option 2: Once npm has been successfully installed, add the –legacy-peer-deps switch to the command line.

After installing npm, all you need to do is use the —legacy-peer-deps switch. To install radium, for example, type npm install —legacy-peer-deps —save radium into the command line and hit enter.

Option 3: Apply the force strategy

After running npm install, simply add the –force switch. For example, you may do npm install —force.


We hope this guide on how to fix “the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages” problem was of some assistance to you.

If you build your software with the help of this information, you should be able to address not only this problem but also a number of others if they arise.

This conclusion includes additional information regarding version conflicts and how to overcome them in your project.

There are a great number of alternative approaches to resolving these kinds of conflicts; in fact, there are books with hundreds of pages that illustrate solutions that make use of various setups as well.

Please leave a comment below if you would need more information on the topic, if you have any questions or suggestions relating to it, or if you would like to express your interest in learning more.