How to use the energy of the ‘super blue blood moon’

Magic: Diane Ahlquist (pictured) has revealed how people can use the power of the ‘super blue blood moon’ to their advantage

Ancient civilizations recognized the powerful effect of the lunar phases on human life, and while people today may be quick to roll their eyes at the concept, knowing how to harness the energy of the moon could have the potential to make your life better — or at the very least, more magical.

In her book Moon Magic, author, counselor, and third generation intuitive Diane Ahlquist details how people can take advantage of the lunar phases, using the mystical energy from the moon to do everything from spark creativity to quit a bad habit.

With an exceptionally rare ‘super blue blood moon’ that hasn’t been seen in the Western Hemisphere since 1866 gracing the skies in the early hours of January 31, the energy from the moon will be amplified — making it the perfect time to take a second pass at New Year’s resolutions that have been ignored.

‘The super blue blood moon has its own life force,’ Diane, 63, told Daily Mail Online. ‘It’s more intense than the full moon; it’s like a full moon on steroids. 

‘It heightens our sense and everything is more intense. It sets the mood, and it’s a good time to appeal to your subconscious mind to plant thoughts about things you want for the future.’

The rare celestial event, which hasn’t been visible in parts of the United States in over 150 years, is the combination of a supermoon, a blue moon, and a total lunar eclipse, which is also called a ‘blood moon’ because of its reddish hue. 

Trifecta: On January 31, there will be a 'super blue blood moon,' which is a combination of a supermoon, a blue moon, and a total lunar eclipse, also called a ‘blood moon' (pictured)

Trifecta: On January 31, there will be a ‘super blue blood moon,’ which is a combination of a supermoon, a blue moon, and a total lunar eclipse, also called a ‘blood moon’ (pictured)

Premise: In her book Moon Magic, Diane explains how people can use primary phases of the moon (new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon) to better their lives 

Premise: In her book Moon Magic, Diane explains how people can use primary phases of the moon (new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon) to better their lives 

A supermoon occurs when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit — known as perigee — making the moon appear 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter.

Although the phrase ‘blue moon’ conjures up images of the moon changing colors, the term actually refers to the second full moon in a month. 

Meanwhile, a lunar eclipse marks the moon’s movement into Earth’s shadow.

Astronomy experts are calling the ‘super blue blood moon’ a cosmic ‘trifecta’ because of its rarity, and Diane pointed out that people should be taking advantage of the celestial event that is ‘like a gift from nature.’

‘It doesn’t cost you anything,’ she said. ‘A lot of times people say, “Well, I don’t believe this.” I have to tell them it’s all free. It’s not like you are spending thousands of dollars, you know? So why not? If it doesn’t work, then fine, but if it does it’s wonderful — and it should work.’ 

Show time: This chart reveals what time the total lunar eclipse will take place on Wednesday, and Diane revealed the eclipse is a great time to break a bad habit 

Show time: This chart reveals what time the total lunar eclipse will take place on Wednesday, and Diane revealed the eclipse is a great time to break a bad habit 

Celestial event: This global map shows areas of the world that will experience the 'super blue blood moon' this Wednesday, weather permitting 

Celestial event: This global map shows areas of the world that will experience the ‘super blue blood moon’ this Wednesday, weather permitting 

The author believes everyone — even the greatest skeptic — should take a moment on the night (or day) of the ‘super blue blood moon’ to do a simple meditation and focus on what they would like to happen in the future.  

The intuitive explains in her book how to use the four primary phases of the moon (new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon) to your advantage, and ahead of the ‘super blue blood moon,’ she has shared the best ways to harness the power of the celestial event.

Goal Setting 

The ‘super blue blood moon’ is a great time to start setting long term goals as the energy of the cosmic event will give you a lunar boost to get what you want.’ 

‘It is putting it out there into the universe,’ Diane explained. ‘It’s like being able to talk to your higher power with a better phone line.’

Diane recommends that people do a simple moon ritual to help turn their dreams into a reality. To start, all you have to do is look at the moon and meditate to relax the mind. You can focus on your breath, envision yourself covered with white light, or stare at the flame of a candle. 

Moon Magic offers simple rituals and meditations to harness the energy of the lunar phases  

Moon Magic offers simple rituals and meditations to harness the energy of the lunar phases  

The author pointed out that it’s not always possible to be outside, so you can draw a picture of a moon, light a candle, or pull out a plate to represent the moon during the ritual.

She noted that when you meditate and enter an altered state of consciousness, you will be able to plant ‘lunar seeds’ to get the things you want in the next year or two. The key is to be highly specific and focus on just one or two things. 

In her book, she explains that if your goal is to get married, you can think about where you want to live and if you want children. 

However, it’s not advised to say you want to get married, win the lottery, and move to Asia within the next year because the request is too muddled.

‘It’s not a grocery list,’ Diane pointed out.  

After setting your intention, you need to ‘seal the deal’ and use some ending words like ‘Amen’ or even something as simple as ‘Thank you.’ 

If a moon ritual isn’t your speed, it is also the perfect time to make a vision board featuring a couple of things you want to see in your life in the near future. 

For example, if you want to get married, move into your own home, and travel more, you can add a picture of a wedding ring, a house, and an airplane on your vision board. 

But Diane warns against having any of the pictures touching, explaining you don’t want to overlap the photos of the airplane and house and end up moving by the airport.

Artist in the making: Diane explains that the 'super blue blood moon' will be the perfect time to tap into your creativity 

Artist in the making: Diane explains that the ‘super blue blood moon’ will be the perfect time to tap into your creativity 


Whether you want to write a short story, paint, or create a new dish to eat, the ‘super blue blood moon’ and the days of the full moon (approximately one day before, the day of, and the day after) are wonderful times to tap into your creative spirit. 

‘Some artists have the same creative flows and don’t even realize that the moon has something to do with it,’ Diane writes in her book. 

‘If you’ve completed a creative project, whether it came out good or bad, and kept a record of when you worked on it, check it out and see if this tendency hold true for you.’  


‘I honestly think that you can conceive a boy or a girl according to the phases of the moon,’ Diane said. ‘There is no science behind it. A lot of it is moon lore and what our ancients believed.’

It is said that if you conceive a child when a moon is traveling through a particular sign of the zodiac, you can predict if it will be a boy or a girl. 

Do you believe? According to moon lore, women who conceive on the night of this 'super blue blood moon' will have a boy

Do you believe? According to moon lore, women who conceive on the night of this ‘super blue blood moon’ will have a boy

The masculine signs of the zodiac are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, while the feminine signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

‘On the night of the ‘super blue blood moon,’ we are going to be in Leo,’ Diane said. ‘So people who want a boy child, if they conceive on that night, there could be — I just say could… There would be a very good chance they would have a boy.’

The author recalled knowing someone who had three boys and desperately wanted a baby girl. The woman told her that she was afraid if she had another child, it would be boy.

‘She did it according to the phases of moon and she got a girl,’ Diane said.

Quitting Bad Habits and Weight Loss 

If you want to stop drinking, quit smoking, lose weight, or break any bad habit, start on the night of a lunar eclipse or when the moon is waning after a full moon. 

Break bad habits: The night of the 'super blue blood moon' is a great time to start a diet 

Break bad habits: The night of the ‘super blue blood moon’ is a great time to start a diet 

Diane explains in her book that the waning phase of the moon is the best time to stop an addiction or lose weight, which makes sense because the moon appears to be lessening. 

If shedding pounds is what you want, Diane writes that you should ‘keep telling yourself, “smaller moon, smaller waistline.”‘

It’s also the perfect moment to ends things with an emotionally draining person.  

‘It is a good time to get rid of the boyfriend or girlfriend in your life who you just can’t say no to. It’s going to be easier,’ Diane said. ‘You can actually plan your breakups according to the moon phases. It is a time to release anything.’

Fortune Telling 

People’s intuitions will be heightened during the ‘super blue blood moon,’ so it is a perfect time to partake in fortune telling, whether it be reading tea leaves, tarot cards, or crystal balls.

‘If you wanted to do a psychic reading or intuitive reading for somebody else, that would be a really good time because you’ll be a better reader,’ Diane said.

For those thinking about visiting a psychic or tarot card reader, consider seeing them on Wednesday when their readings are likely to be more accurate.’

It will also be a great time for people who are just learning how to read tarot cards or tea leaves to practice the craft. 

Look to the future: People's intuitions will be heightened during the 'super blue blood moon,' so it is a perfect time to partake in fortune telling

Look to the future: People’s intuitions will be heightened during the ‘super blue blood moon,’ so it is a perfect time to partake in fortune telling


On the night of the ‘super blue blood moon,’ emotions will be running high, which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending how you look it. 

According to Diane, it is a romantic time to meet somebody, but she warns against taking any relationship that starts on the night of the ‘super blue blood moon’ too seriously because people’s feelings will be intensified.

‘I would be very careful and kind of take things very slow and very gently,’ she said, noting the same thing goes for marriage proposals.  

‘Somebody could say, “Yes, yes, yes, I’ll marry you,” and then they kind of regret it because they were caught up in the moment,’ she explained. 

‘It’s okay for a marriage proposal, but I would double check as the engagement period went on to make sure everybody is on the same page.’

You should also make a point to try and avoid engaging in any arguments at this time because they are likely to escalate quickly. 

‘If somebody tries to pick a fight with you, I would either just get away from that person or say, ‘Well, let’s talk about it another time,'” she said.   


A ‘super blood blue moon’ will be visible on January 31, with western North America, Asia, the Middle East, Russia and Australia getting the best view of the stunning phenomena.

The event is causing a buzz because it combines three unusual lunar events — a supermoon, a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse.

A supermoon is when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit — known as perigee — and about 14 per cent brighter and 30 per cent larger than usual.  

It’s also the second full moon of the month, commonly known as a ‘blue moon,’ which happens every two years and eight months.

The ‘super blue moon’ will pass through Earth’s shadow to give viewers in the right location a total lunar eclipse. While the moon is in the Earth’s shadow it will take on a reddish tint, known as a ‘blood moon.’

Sunlight manages to reach the moon but first it has to pass through Earth’s atmosphere.

This makes the sky redder (as it scatters away shorter shorter wavelengths of light) and also bends the path of the light, directing it into the shadow.

While people in the Eastern Hemisphere saw their last blue moon total lunar eclipse in 1982, this will be the first blue moon total eclipse for the Western Hemisphere since 1866.