How to use tomato sauce to clean toilet and stainless steel

This $3 pantry staple is the secret behind mum’s sparkling toilet and sink: ‘I had tried everything to fix them’

  • A woman was sick of tireless scrubbing at brown water stains 
  • She soon discovered a little-known pantry hack 

A mum has revealed the no-scrub secret behind her perpetually sparkling toilet and sink is actually a $3 pantry staple.

Kirrilly, from Western Australia, was sick of spending hours scrubbing away at stubborn brown water stains that refused to lift.

The mum had an epiphany one day and decided to use tomato sauce on the affected areas after seeing a post on social media – and she has never looked back.

She simply douses the stains by her sink fixtures and inside her toilet bowl tomato sauce and lets it soak for an hour or two before wiping it away.

Toilet bowl and sink stains are usually a build-up of mineral deposits left because water pools around the area then evaporates – and the acid from the tomato sauce helps break down the dirt and build-up.

A mum just revealed the no-scrub secret behind her perpetually sparkling toilet and sink is actually a $3 pantry staple

The woman shared photos of her success on social media in order to assist others who shared her struggle.

‘Tomato sauce is brilliant on brown water stains!’ she said.

‘No scrubbing. I hung a load of washing, then came back, and the brown rubbed off!’ 

‘I have previously spent hours scrubbing with various chemicals and mitts to achieve this same result.’

Kirrilly, from Western Australia, was sick of spending hours scrubbing away at stubborn brown water stains that refused to lift

Kirrilly, from Western Australia, was sick of spending hours scrubbing away at stubborn brown water stains that refused to lift

The mum had an epiphany one day and decided to use tomato sauce on the affected areas after seeing a post on social media - and she has never looked back.

The mum had an epiphany one day and decided to use tomato sauce on the affected areas after seeing a post on social media – and she has never looked back.

Many applauded the mum for her innovative solution.

‘Great result,’ said one woman. ‘Definitely use Scalex to get the remaining off – leave it overnight and it will look brand new.’

‘I did the same not long ago and it worked out great for my taps!’

‘I cannot stand the smell of tomato sauce, however I’m definitely gonna try this method as it looks amazing.’

Another woman also shared ‘before’ and ‘after’ images of her taps after countless failed attempts to clean the fixtures.

Another woman also shared 'before' and 'after' images of her taps after countless failed attempts to clean the fixtures

The acid from the tomato sauce helps break down the dirt and build-up of mineral deposits left from water pooling around the area and evaporating

Another woman also shared ‘before’ and ‘after’ images of her taps after countless failed attempts to clean the fixtures

But others weren’t convinced.

‘Or you could just use products designed for cleaning,’ a woman wrote.

‘I’m a professional cleaner and I’ve never seen a toilet that couldn’t be cleaned with cleaning products … I don’t have tomato sauce in my kit.’

‘It did not work, the toilet still looks very dirty.
