How to Write a Solution for Marketing Case Study

Assume that you have been placed in a telecom company. In a few months, your senior has figured that the sale of your company’s sim is consistently going down. He then asked you to identify the gap in the promised features and other related factors.

Will your senior be able to ascertain your case study if you provide a vague and redundant projection?

To avoid this awkward situation, you must know how to deal with the solution to the root problems.

Writing a case study is as much important to students as it is for expert corporates. If you know what to do and how to do it beforehand, then you will not have to struggle in your professional space.

Importance of Studying a Practical Case

A case study gives students the opportunity to inspect different aspects of an issue through real-life examples. It is the best way possible to learn about various marketing tools, models, and theories while staying in academia.

Through case studies, you will be able to:

  • Be prepared for uncertain marketing crises
  • Discern the uncertainty in the research loop
  • Ascertain any ambiguity in the previous marketing steps
  • Identify any pre-existing biased resolutions
  • Help you become more decisive in complex situations by developing your problem-solving skills
  • Be more analytical in your approach
  • Collaborate with your team members, if you are assigned a group project

In due course, your knowledge will be expanded by studying a marketing problem from various angles which will intrigue your curiosity. This continuous practice will automatically boost your self-confidence making you corporate-ready.

Process of Writing a Case Study Solution

Now that you have understood the importance of interpreting a case study, you should be well aware of how to present a solution. Needless to say, it is the sole purpose of a case study.

Begin With a Suitable Headline: Whether you write an essay or letter, they never start without a prompt heading.

In case studies too, a headline is worth mentioning. Your professor will assign you the case story; even if it’s up to your choice, the components of the heading will be the same.

Name of the company you are studying, the goal of the case, the outcome, type of data (quantitative or qualitative), and name of the client (if relevant). For example “The growth story of Shopify: Increased revenue by 26% in 2022”.

You can see that apart from the client’s name, which isn’t applicable in this case, all the above-mentioned components can be reflected in the headline example. For more such instances, you can ​buy research paper online from educational sources.

Highlight the Anticipated Obstacles: The readers will not have a whole day to read the raw figures and data of the given company.

So that they don’t get lost in the complex conditions, you have to make them notice the actual cause. You have to concise the actual challenge or issue faced by the company that you intend to provide a solution to.

Also, provide the statistics of the struggles.

Provide Possible Solutions: The actual content of a case study is to arrive at a solution. Explain how was the issue fixed or what could be done to fix it, if the problem was left unacknowledged before.

If a solution was already provided, then as a researcher, you have to brief who came up with the solution (name of the client), how were they able to connect the gap (the process), the marketing models and theories involved in the process, and if there were any executives involved (in case you are solving a second-hand case study).

Evaluate the Solutions: There may be various possible solutions to a problem. You may agree with the solution provided by the client of the case company, or you may want to weigh other possibilities. This investigation is conducted at this stage.

Write about the quantitative results, meaning how well the company is justifying the solution and what more it could have done. Use precise numbers to demonstrate the success. With quantitative gains, a company is bound to experience some qualitative gains as well.

For example, if the case study is about increased brand loyalty, the quantitative result will be the exact figures of increased customers or subscribers (whichever is applicable).

Alongside, the qualitative result will indicate what feature of the product customers preferred to explore more, how the success affected the experience of the employees, etc.

Free Takeaway

The success of the company is the success of the employees. Keeping every such little and big aspect in mind, you have to write the solution for a case study. The best tip that can be provided here is to keep a thorough knowledge of your discipline.

Lastly, a paper writing service from PenMyPaper says that you should write in a language as if you are explaining the scenario to your clients. It will make your approach more persuasive to your evaluators in academia.